1. Preparation

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(Author's Note: this chapter is dedicated to jinnis  whose story The Curse of the Topsy Turvy, is a humorous sci-fi space opera. Very entertaining!)


New Year's Eve, and only two hours until midnight. If he was going to this ghastly party he had better get a move on. Ash Calvin snapped the lid shut on his pocket watch and slipped it back inside his waistcoat pocket. If? Who was he kidding? If he didn't go, Sandra would kill him.

His protests that he was far too old for a fancy dress party had fallen on deaf ears.

"Nonsense," she had answered, briskly. "It will do you good. You're turning into a stodgy, middle-aged man before my eyes. When was the last time you had any fun and put your hair up?"


"I mean it, Ash. And who knows? You might meet someone, someone new and interesting!" Her eyes twinkled. "Someone cute!"

"Really? At one of our mother's parties?" Ash raised a sceptical brow. "That'll be the day!"

Sandra smiled and patted his shoulder. "I'll tell Mum she can expect you, then."

And she walked off before he could think of another excuse.

Now, here he was, wearing a black cape, his face white with makeup, long black hair tied up into a bun on top of his head and fake vampire teeth in his pocket, adjusting a scarlet cravat. Ash shook his head ruefully at the reflection in his polished brass mirror. Sad—it was just sad. Thirty-one years old, a decorated police detective and yet, here he was, about to do what his sister told him. He could only hope he didn't look a complete idiot.

The only beam of light on the horizon was that hopefully he wouldn't know anyone else at the party. He shuddered to think of the rollicking he would get from his colleagues, if any of them found out how he had spent New Year's Eve. He took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders. Time to go.

Ash picked up his gloves and walking stick then left the house, locking the door behind him. Gas lamps lit the street, pools of golden light competing with the dark on the cobblestones. A steam carriage was stopped at the far end of the street, taking on water from the public pump. Usually Ash preferred to walk everywhere, but tonight he hailed the carriage and clambered in. The sooner he got to the party, the sooner he could leave.

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