7. And then...

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(Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to ShelleyBurbank whose current story , Rosalie Porter's Hot & Steamy Sex Scandal, (though not a contender for the ONC 2020) is steaming up the charts.)

Afterwards, Ash thought he must have been a little punch drunk, running on exhaustion and nervous energy, but from the first moment he realised it was Kai, standing right there on his doorstep, there was only room for one thought in his head.

"Come in," he invited, his blood heating in anticipation. Kai followed him into the house, staring around at the richly furnished hallway while Ash closed and bolted the door behind them. Ash knew he should take Kai into the kitchen and offer him a cup of tea, but he didn't.

Instead, he took a step forward and pulled Kai into his arms. Kai only had time for one startled look, his lips parting in surprise, before Ash kissed him. Half expecting to be pushed away, Ash tried hard to keep a rein on his passion, despite wanting to thrust his tongue deep inside the other man's mouth.

Kai went still, and then Ash felt his hands come up to grip him by the shoulders. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted... but before Ash could pull away, his brain already scrambling for an unconvincing apology, Kai was kissing him back. His lips opened to accept Ash's tongue, his mouth hot and eager, tilting his head to allow Ash a deeper angle.

Honestly, Ash had not intended to pounce on Kai the next time he saw him, but he hadn't been able to help himself. This felt so good, kissing and being kissed. All the exhausting, gruesome hours since last night were pushed aside for the moment by a hot tide of desire.

Ash slid his hands down Kai's back, stroking the firm muscles, reaching down to cup his bottom. His erection was jutting into Kai's stomach, and he could feel the other man's response through the material of his trousers, hardening against the top of his thigh. Ash groaned. That felt so good, but he needed... He needed more...

He tore his mouth away, keeping a tight grip on Kai. "I want you. Now. Will you come upstairs with me?" he asked, his voice thick with desire.

Kai closed his eyes for a second, as if debating with himself, then opened them, holding Ash's gaze with his own. "All right," he whispered.


Kai lay back in the bed and stared at the ceiling. He had fully intended to deliver the cloak and go, but then, Ash had invited him into his home and he'd rashly accepted.

And then one thing had led to another. His brain knew he shouldn't mix business with pleasure, but his body had had other ideas. It had been so long since he'd felt such a strong attraction to a man, he hadn't been able to help himself. And the sex had been great, his body was still tingling with the after effects.

But now, eyes wide open, lying in the huge bed beside a sleeping Ash, with sheets tangled around them both, he knew he had made a huge mistake.


When Ash woke an hour later, the other side of the bed was cold and empty.

"Kai?" Ash threw back the sheets and strode over to the bathroom. "Are you in there?" Silence.

Damn. Kai had gone, before he'd been able to arrange a time to see him again. He really wanted this to be more than a one night affair, and he hoped Kai felt the same. He knew he'd rushed things, they should at least have gone out to dinner a few times first, but Kai hadn't seemed to mind.

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to go after him now, he had a murder investigation to pursue. Talking of which, he grabbed his pocket watch and checked the time.

Fuck! He raced into the bathroom for a quick washup, then dressed as fast as he could. He was due at Hardwick Engineering in twenty minutes.

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