Dillsboro, NC Best Western

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(Dillsboro, NC Best Western)

*This is true story told by my mom and written by me.*

I don’t know how many of you have heard of Harrah’s Cherokee Casino in North Carolina but anyway that’s where this all began.

About three months ago my mom and dad went to the casino and gambled up until three O’clock in the morning and were tired so they decided to drive back home. Well outside of Cherokee about an hour away there is this town called Dillsboro.

Anyway once they were in this town both my mom and dad were extremely tired and didn’t feel like they could drive home safely so they began to search for a hotel to spend the night in. After coming across a few with no Vacancy the finally saw a sign saying Best Western next right so they immediately followed it in hopes it was available.

After driving a few minutes things started to become a little odd. They drove and drove on this back road for what seemed like forever and still no hotel in sight. My dad was starting to believe that maybe they had missed a turn somewhere and was about to turn around when he saw this little hand written sign pointing down another road saying Best Western.

Creepy right? I mean seeing that on a back road at night away from civilization is like a warning sign right there.

Ok so back to the story. So my dad took the road and followed it for a little ways until they start seeing these big bright lights shining off the trees and knew they had found the place. Once they were finally in view of the hotel they said it was beautiful. Not something that you would see back in the boonies at all.

Anyway they got out of the car and went to see if they had any vacancy and guess what? Yep you got it, there was plenty.  Apparently hardly anyone stayed there.  

When they checked into the hotel the guy at the front desk looked like he was shocked there was anyone coming there to stay and acted quiet strange and kept quiet like he was afraid to speak.

After they were checked in mom and dad got their room key they went to find their room and said it was beautiful and very nice and clean. They were pleased with it over all.

Well not long after they had been in the room Dad realized he had left something in the car and went to go get leaving mom in the room alone.

Well while he was gone mom wanted to check out the room a little bit so she walked over to the window and opened the curtains to see the view. The best she could for night time anyway and there just happened to be a river that ran directly in front of it. I’ll explain that part later.

After taking in the view mom closed the curtains and turned to go look around some more but just as she did they opened right back up about a foot and a half apart. As you can imagine this freaked her out a little and she walked back over to close them again only for them to open right back up when she turned around. After that she just decided to leave it and thought maybe there was just something wrong with them.

She looked around the room some more and saw that there room had a door in it like you would see if you got adjoining rooms or something . She walked over to the door and pulled it open just to see where it went but when she did there was nothing behind it. No door, no closet, no nothing, just a wall. So now they have a door leading to nowhere. Odd right?

About this time dad finally came back up to the room and shut and locked the door behind him like any normal person would and got ready for bed. Well they hadn’t been bed for more than 20 minutes and it sounded as in someone with big heavy boots on stomped up to their door and grabbed to knob and was shaking it trying to open it. Mom said it sounded as if the door was going to break down.

This made my dad mad thinking that a neighbor or something was trying to come in on them and ran to the door and jerked it open ready to bless someone out but when he did there wasn’t a soul in sight. He looked down the hallway both ways and still no one and closed the door back thoroughly confused.

He laid back down in the bed and they waited a few minutes to see if it happened again and when it didn’t they fell asleep. I have to give them props for that because I would have been out of there so fast regardless how tired I was.

After morning came everything seemed to be normal and they went about getting ready so they could come home. While mom was getting dressed dad went to take his shower and not after 10 minutes of being in there mom heard a big plump in the bathroom and ran to see what happened.

Dad called out from the shower that it felt just like someone was in the shower with him and took their hands and shoved him down so hard he fell. Well as you can imagine he got out of there as quick as he could and they got there things and got of there real fast. After that experience they said they would never go back to that place again.

So now on to the part about the river. When mom told me this story it got me interested so I got online and searched for haunted places in Dillsboro, NC to see what it brought up. Sadly there was nothing about the hotel directly but there was something about the river that ran by it. Apparently three prisoners had escaped from jail a long time ago I can’t remember exact dates but anyway they stole a boat and tried getting away by going down that river. Well a few days earlier it had came a big flood and it the river was still really high and rough. Well something happened and two of the prisoners drowned and died while the other survived and got away.


So you can make out of that what you will but I just find that a big coincidence all that happened and the hotel was right along that river.

There is a picture of it to the side. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Also if you have a story of your own you would like me to add please PM me and the story and I’ll add it along with a dedication to you for submitting it.

Thanks I hope you all enjoyed the story!

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