Brown Mountain Lights - Blue Ridge Parkway

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(Brown Mountain Lights - Blue Ridge Parkway)

Most people are familiar with the story of the brown mountains lights but if you're not then keep reading to learn about them.

Anytime of night you visit the blue ridge parkway in two different places you can visible see these mysterious lights on top of the mountains. They move erratically at all times. No one one knows what causes them, they are a mystery to everyone. There are many myths as to why these lights appear but no one knows for sure. Some say they are haunting while some say the are just gases escaping the mountain side.

These lights appear in the distance but as you climb the mountain to get closer to them they disappear.

The lights have been around for so long there are even stories from the Cherokee Indians about them. Here is one of them. Its said that there was a war between two different Native American tribes. At night the women would go out looking for their lost husbands with big bright torches but they were killed so now they just keep looking forever.

Another story is that during the winter a little girl had gone missing. Her father looked and looked for her but she had died and he died as well searching for her. To this very day he still searches for her with his lantern in hand.

Brown mountain has no homes or roads built on it. You cant even go on the mountain where the lights actually are so that makes it a truly haunted place. Scientist have tried to figure out what's going on for many years but still have no answers.

Many people come from great distances to see the famous lights and if you would like to as well then I encourage you to do so. It is certainly a sight to be seen.

To the side is a picture of these lights seen at a distance. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



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