36: pranked

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"you guys can't tell the others about this" Hoseok whisper.

"Oh we won't!" Jin assure him in the same low whisper.

"Unless we get caught they won't know!" Yoongi add.

"Tae will Notice" Jin assure them, hurrying to hide alongside his boyfriends.

A happy Tae come down the stairs, more than excited to have his daily cup of hot chocolate.

He happily Press a button on the Maschine, after placing his favorite mug under it.

Tae softly move the hot cup away from the Maschine and place it against his lips, humming as he take in a little of the hot liquid.

He quickly spit it out, making a disgusted face.

"What have they done to my hot chocolate!!" He pout.

"This prank is so lame" Yoongi whisper, watching as Seokjin and Hoseok snicker.

"HYUNG!" Tae cry out, Namjoon falling down the last step of the stairs as he run to him.

He hurry to get up and run to his baby "what happened??"

"Did you touch my cacao?" Tae pout.

"No.... why would I baby?"

"It's coffee!! I drank that!!" Tae act up, about to throw a full on tantrum.

Hoseok slide out from under the table "Tae your reactions was great!"

Tae pout madly and put water in the hot liquid before throwing it at Hoseok.

"Ew! Tae!"

"That was for touching my cacao" Tae can't help but laugh, which also makes Hoseok laugh.

Funny how small things like this, just makes you happy.

Fuck me senseless~ Yoon2seokWhere stories live. Discover now