Chapter 10

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Rachel's P.O.V

Weekend.I didn't see Gar all that Friday.I don't think he saw Terra slap me...Was he even there?I don't think he went to school that Friday....Well Jinx and I are at my house,I had forgiven her for what happened.After lunch that Friday was pretty awkward.I still got snarls and scowls but with Victor at my side,it kinda scared them off.I was so humiliated,if it wasn't for the others,I would be so ready to just die.

"Chick,don't do it!He's lying!"Jinx said,practically yelling at the tv.

We are in my room,watching some cheap teen romance movie we bought from the store.While I was busy thinking about Gar,damn him for being so distracting,Jinx was really getting into the movie.Me,I'm totally not for love and Jinx says she is too.But the way she looks at couples when we walk down the city tells me she's lying.Which reminds me,Wally wasn't at school Friday either.

I wonder if he'll break up with Kitten once he kinds out what Terra did to me...But then again Kitten didn't hurt me,but she was right there and just laughed.I guess I'll find out Monday.Now back to Gar,I tried texting him like a zillion times but he still hasn't answered.I texted Dick,Kori,and Victor and they even said they couldn't get a hold of him.They even tried going to his house but he wasn't home....Neither was his step parents.

"Of course you end up with him!He cheated!...Oh ok go cry like a little baby,"Jinx scowled,mocking the tv.

She lied on my bed,her head at the bottom of the bed propped up on her elbow.I sat at the top of the bed,leaning against a pillow that was pressed on my headboard.Not really paying attention to the movie,I kept glancing down at my phone excepting it to ring or ding or something.Jinx glanced back at me,pressing play on the movie with the remote.

"Hey Rachel,you ok?"she asked.

I made a small nod,brushing the black strands of hair from my face.

"I'm fine."

Lie.It's hard to lie to your first friend.She then looks back at the screen,pushing play on the movie.At first she looked a little worried,but then it dissolved once she started yelling at a couple in the movie.Chuckling lightly,I studied the scene.The couple were slow dancing,giving each other those goo goo guys or whatever.But when I realized they were at a dance,it sparked something in my head.

"Hey Jinx,can I ask you something?"

She paused the movie once more,sitting up and crawling over to me.

"Sure."she said simply.

Jinx then sat next to me,leaning against the head board like me.I sat my phone down,then grabbed a pillow.Hugging it,Jinx looked at me,waiting for the question.

I inhaled,"Why do you act all angry when we talked about the dance?"

She froze,looking off into the distance as if she was thinking about something.Sighing,I could see her eyes glassing up.

"...It's a stupid reason..."she murmured,grabbing another pillow.

I put my hand on her shoulder,"Come on,you can tell me."

Jinx glanced at me,then her hand started shaking as she gripped onto the pillow.

"...I have bad experiences at dances..."


Jinx furrowed her eyebrows,squinting her eyes to keep tears from falling.

"Ok,I'll tell you...but you can't tell anyone..."She said sternly.

I looked her right in the eye,"I swear I won't tell a soul."

Jinx inhaled,"I come from a family that doesn't love me.Actually,I think my parents hate me....Before I dressed in black and dyed my hair I was just a normal spunky peppy teenage girl.But...My parents never were the encouraging type.Never told me I was pretty,never told me I was loved...."

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