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Rogue's pov

"What's happening?" Sting yelled, trying to scramble to his feet but he didn't have the strength. Starlight was still clutching her head, her dull grey scales slowly popping up over her entire body. "Starlight?" I asked.

This wasn't right. Why were her dragon scales activating and why was she clutching her head and crying out in pain.

"Starlight? What's wrong with her?" Gray asked, looking just as confused as the rest of us. When I saw the glint of a horn, I panicked. She was going into her dragon form again. She must have gotten over emotional when Dusk and Raios were hurt.

Two long bones which formed a wing shape broke out of her shirt, quickly being covered in scales, forming large dragon wings. A tail soon followed.

Starlight stayed where she was for a few moments. I couldn't see her eyes but I could see part of her mouth which was now a little bit like a muzzle with long, sharp teeth that couldn't be held in her jaws themselves.

This wasn't normal. This had never happened before. She stumbled to her feet, eyes black and hallow with only a red slit in them that was so narrow you could miss it.

She stood on her feet, shoes long forgotten, with her arms hanging down and her back hung over slightly. She was breathing heavily. I could just make out strange ears kind of like a cat at the side of her head but just barely as they were covered by her hair.

"Starlight?" I asked. She stayed in that position, tail flicking aggressively from side to side and occasionally up.

Another roar came from a good distance across the battlefield. Starlight's ears pricked and she turned her head towards the sound. She waited a few seconds before responding with her own roar.

"This can't be. A child of the apocalypse. They were supposed to be dead" Mard geer stated, staring at Starlight in disbelief.

Acnologia responded to both of those roars with one of his own. That's when Starlight finally reacted. She lowered her head again and began scanning over everyone.

She lowered herself to all fours and practially threw herself across the ground with how fast she was heading towards Natsu.

She jumped at him, aiming to pin him down. He quickly dodged and hit her with a fire attack.

Mard Geer let out a low chuckle. "It's this interesting. I had no idea that a child of the apocalypse was among you" he laughed. He looked at Starlight who was shaking her head to recover from Natsu's attack.

"Where's the other one?" he asked. Starlight looked at him, lips pulled back even more to reveal more of her teeth. "I know the other one is here. That was his roar you were responding to wasn't it?" he asked. Starlight leapt at him, claws spread apart. He stepped aside and sent an attack at her with his vines.

"I don't have time for you right now. Maybe E.N.D will be able to take care of you. You can't be all that powerful" he stated, turning away from Starlight who was now trapped in the vines.

She let out a roar, not a magic one, just a normal roar while kicking at the vines and cutting them up with the talons on her feet.

She freed herself and stumbled onto her feet, shaking her head. This wasn't going to be good.

Union of the Night(Sequel to Walking the Shadows)Where stories live. Discover now