Chapter 1

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" Izuku..."

Izuku Midoriya stared, wide eyed at the bloodied figure that stood before his home. Her natural green hair being drenched by the blood, if it was someone else's or hers he didn't know. Her fingers reached out to clench his shoulder, tears trailed heavily down her cheeks as green eyes stared at him with panic.

" Help — "

And with that her grip on him loosened and she fell to the floor, leaving blood stained marks on a horrified Izukus clothes. As she lay unmoving, a pool of crimson gushed from her stomach, an old would had reopened. Quickly the young hero dropped to his knees, tore off a section of his shirt and attempted to plug the wound. She had already lost a lot of blood in such a short time frame.

" Mom! "

Izuku cried out loudly, alerting not only his mother but their surrounding neighbors. Lights turned on and tired eyes stared at the situation as they stood unmoving by their doors, not wanting to become part of the situation but still wanting to get the latest neighborhood gossip.

" Izuku? What is going on!? "

His moms sweet voice filled the silence of the night as she hurried to where he stood, her fluffy blue nightgown trailing behind her, barely shielding her from the cold air of the night. Izuku turned to face his mother, tears fell from his eyes, identical to the passed out girls, before turning back to the passed out figure in his arms.

" It's her... It's Ayame. "

His voice shook as he moved few lose strands of light green hair away from her perfectly, unscathed face. She had matured but he could never forget her, the way her lips looked when she talked. That's how he recognized her, she had always, since they were young, slightly pulled the left side of her top lip up when she spoke. It's what made her unique. Katchan used to bully her because of it after the incident, he remembered clearly, the day when she discovered her quirk.

It was a hot day in winter, a day for unexpected and miraculous things to happen. Katsuki had finally admitted that he had a crush on one of the schools quirkless losers, it became the gossip of the week. After school Izuku and Ayame were at the playground, messing around and playing hero or villain. Izuku was the hero and Ayame was the villain. It was an innocent game, the worries of the day gone. Katsuki arrived twenty minutes later, a red Lilly in his hand, a rare flower that his aunt had made for him with her quirk. He to, like all the males at the school had fallen for the quirkless green haired beauty. From the day he met her he swore he would become her protector. He stood, for what, seemed like hours admiring her, to scared to admit to her his feelings and planning his speech in his head. He was so preoccupied he didn't even notice a tall blue haired boy make his way over to Ayame and Izuku. He held a bunch of simple wild flowers. Simple, just like her.

" Ayame Midoriya, do me the honor of being my date to the dance at my school tonight."

He stated clearly, then almost robotically bowed at a ninety degree angle and thrust out the flowers almost into her face, causing her to let out a small sneeze before smiling softly and giggling at his mannorisms.

" You're that boy from the private school  athletics week right, the one who won all the races? "

" Yes."

He didn't even glance at her as he said it, to scared to see her reaction. Meanwhile a fuming Katsuki had burned the rare Lilly and was making his way over to the trio.

" Don't sound so nervous, of cour— "

Her words were cut short as a yellow blur tackled her suitor to the ground, in the moment she couldn't hear their words as they attacked one another. Ayame screamed and shouted for them to stop but her words fell on deaf ears. She begun panicking, trying to get them to stop, in her efforts, a flame was thrust directly into the left side of her body. No one noticed her pain or tears. Anger built up inside of her until she seemed to almost burst.


As the words slipped past her lips, a cloud of black tar like smog begun pouring from her body and rushed at the boys engolfing them and tearing them apart from one of one another. It didn't stop there, the tar like smog began covering the boys, suffocating them. Ayame stood unmoving, her eyes a pure white and her burnt side being engolfed by the tar like substance. She seemed possessed almost. Izuku didn't know what happened afterwards, all he knew was he woke up in hospital a week later, apparently the tar like substance seemed to put whoever it touched in a drugged sleep. He was scared and Ayame was shunned by everyone. Even those who loved her turned their backs on what they thought was a monster.

She fell into a deep depression and disappeared only to emerge a year later, bloodied on the Midoriya door step.

Izuku was pulled from his memories by a woman clad in a doctors coat and hygiene mask shaking him. He was confused, as to how quick the paramedics had arrived.

" I'm Doctor Misa Kage. I heard your cries from down the street and rushed to help."

Misa then immediately turned to Ayame and begun attending to her wounds. Without looking up she spoke to him and his mother, who both stood still, almost like statues in shock.

" She's lost a lot of blood, the best I can do is stop the bleeding for now, but she needs to go to the hospital for proper treatment, I don't have all my equipment here."

They stayed in silence for ten minutes before a ambulance came rushing down the street. The rest of the night was a blur to the Midoriya family. They sat for five days, almost never leaving her bedside. The doctors had almost given up hope that she would ever wake up.

Izuku sat by Ayame's bedside like he had been doing for the past few months, he liked to visit her before school. He began ranting about his troubles and how he would never become a hero, he was quirkless after all.

" I just want to save people with a smile, is that to much to ask!?"

He sobbed, holding onto his cousins hand. As he sobbed he felt a small movement and immediately sat up straight. Staring at her peaceful figure with wide eyes.

Ayame's eyes were open slightly, a small smile graced her features.

"It's been awhile, cousin..."

Disclaimer: I do not own Boku No Hero Acedamia, nor do I own any of the art I may put in the story for visual effects.

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