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Dear diary,
It's been a while. Let's just say, things have changed. I dropped f.h, m.h and n.n today. They treated me awfully and I just can't deal with it.
My mum is an awful human being. She yells at me for everything. For showing my little sister a picture- apparently it's ducking illegal. I'm accused of 'changing the thermostat' even though I don't even know how to use it. I'm accused of eating all of the chocolate spread. Like what?? Why would I do that?

I hate my life. Nobody cares about me. At this point, the only good thing is m.s. i don't know if I've told you who she is. She is my ibf, and she's danish. She's really nice. Honestly, she's one of the only people I trust right now.

Ofc there is a.m.h. She's another friend, that I met online. What's funny is that we happen to go to the same school, yet we met online.

But apart from them two, nobody else really cares about me. I had jabs yesterday, and f.h laughed at me and called me a p*ssy. I hated how she treated me. That's why I've dropped her. For things like this, which she always does.

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