Who Killed You And How

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Aries: Aoyama, he was to shiny.

Taurus: Momo, she made a weapon to destroy a rock but some of the rock piece stabbed through your heart.

Gemini: Shigaraki, he decayed you.

Cancer: Bakugo, he blew you up to pieces.

Leo: Monoma, he pushed you off a mountain while you were hiking.

Virgo: Todoroki, An ice shard pierced through your arm an you died from blood loss

Libra: Tokoyami, it suddenly turned dark when you were training an dark shadow went out of control and ripped you to shreds.

Scorpio: Toga, she totured you then stabbed you in the eye.

Sagittarius: Suffication someone locked you in a small box and you suffocated.

Capricorn: Suicide, you hung yourself because bakugo told you yor life was meaningless

Aquarius: Yourself, you got One For All and broke your spine. You didnt find out you had legs.

Pices: Dabi, you suffered severe burns and died.

5 chapters! Wooh! Not that hard to make though.

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