Tatsumi to the rescue

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Tatumi was walking through a beautiful flat terrain before he heard a scream not far and as soon as he heard the scream he used his lightning to get to the location very quickly.

As soon as he got there he saw 6 people around two girls in front of a grave and because of his enhanced vision(oh yeah i forgot to mention that his eyes look like an actual dragon with the pupil being vertical) he was able to see a big fat guy dressed as a clown about to stab one of the girls.

Tatsumi didn't allow that as he used his lightning power to zoom into the action quickly grab the both of them and then going to a far mountain top and as the 6 members saw that they wondered who ever it was and why it took the two girls.


 Tatsumi made sure that he was far away to make sure he could let the 2 girls down "Thank you so much he would've killed us if you didn't come" the small girl said crying as tatsumi patted her on the head.

"Hey don't worry your safe now they won't hurt you anymore" he then turned his attention to the woman who was still in tears from what was happening "do you know who they were or why they wanted to do that to you" he asked but only got no in head motion before he went up to the woman.

"That gravestone i'm guessing it was someone important to you" the replied while wiping her tears "yes it was my husbands grave he died while fighting night raid!" she said as that caught his attention "what was his name?" the woman looked at him "his name was bols of the jaegers."

Tatsumi remembered that when he was in the jaegers for one day he knew a bols in there "did he have 3 claw shaped scars on his chest and wore a white mask?" he said as the both of them were surprised "how do you know my husband?" the woman asked surprised "I was in the jaegers for a day until I escaped and i'll tell you this he was going on and on about how bad his job was and if he died he was getting what he deserved"

The 2 only looked more upset after hearing that "but he also said that he would do anything to make his loved ones happy and that he would do anything for them even sacrifice his own life if had to"

the 2 girls looked a bit more happy before tatsumi gave them a big bag size of money that he didn't need and he told the two to head west to a small mountain top where there is a secret village there where the villagers help anyone in need.

Tatsumi was just about to go back into town before getting asked a question form the woman "excuse me but could you tell me your name please?" tatsumi gave a battle smile "i'm tatsumi the lightning dragon slayer"

"We thank you tatsumi we can't repay you for what you've done for us today" she said as tatsumi waved his hand "don't worry you don't owe me anything as long as you're safe that is the only payment I need." he said

"I'm glad that there are still people like you in this world to help others in need" tatsumi gave another smile "well I can't stand the way that people with huge power crush the ones beneath them they should use it to protect not to get their way that's how I do things" he said before giving one last smile with a wave as the they depart.

The 2 girls were going to the village where tatsumi told them to go and tatsumi went inside a bar inside the capitol to get a drink.



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