Chapter Three: The Mental Asylum

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Y/N's POV:

January 24, 2017

I was crying all night last night, because of my mother's death. But, today I had to accompany Nica. I'm not doing this because I want to, I'm doing it because my mom would've wanted me to. So, I'm going. And I'm taking the doll, Chucky. No way I'm leaving him here after what happened. I don't know exactly how my mother died, but maybe it was Chucky. Oh, what am I thinking?! Of course it wasn't. Dolls can't come alive. I heard a knock on the door, and grabbed Chucky. "Looks like our ride's here, Chucky," I nervously giggled, and answered the door. "Are you ready?" I nodded. The taxi driver glanced at Chucky. "That doll has some realistic scars on his face. Was it made for Halloween?" I could tell from his town that he wasn't serious, but I didn't know if he should've been. It was just a doll with scars, and it might as well be for Halloween. "Yeah." I shrugged, and went passed him to the car. He followed soon after, and off we were to the asylum.

We had made our way there, it was so big, and the ride went smooth. Perfect. "Thank you, Sir." The man just nodded, and let me go. I entered with the doll, and found a lot of patients staring at me and the doll. 'Gee, I'm eleven, cut me some slack' I thought, and looked down. "Hey, there." A man's voice could be heard, and my eyes landed on a man with white hair, he looked a bit older. "Hi. Do you know where I can find Nica Pierce? She's in a wheelchair." The man smiled. "Ah, yes! I know who Nica is. I could take you to her. What's your name?" I walked with him down this large hallway. "Y/N L/N." He nodded, as we kept walking. "Well, Mrs. Y/N, my name is Dr. Foley." I scratched my neck, and replied, "Nice to meet you, Doctor." Dr. Foley glanced at Chucky. "Why does the doll have scars all over his face?" I clutched onto Chucky a little bit tighter than I intended. "When it was given to me, that's just how it looked." Dr. Foley smiled in understanding, and quietly asked, "What's his name?" I held the doll as tight as I possibly could. "Chucky." Dr. Foley's smile faded, and he started rambling. "Oh, no. Not another." I looked at Chucky in utter confusion, then back at him. "What is another? Another what?" Dr. Foley chuckled, and stopped. "It's nothing, Y/N. Just try your best to keep that away from Nica. It's the reason she's here." Wait, she was here because of a Chucky doll? "O-Ok." I stuttered, and that was the last of Dr. Foley and I's conversation.

We got into this room, in what seemed like a cult. "Y/N, I'm going to introduce you to each one individually," Dr. Foley carefully explained, and I nodded. "So, this is Angela." We stood in front of an older woman, maybe in her early seventies. She had light blonde hair, almost white, and she looked to be smiling. "You can see me." Angela said, and I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I can see ya," I was overly confused, maybe she had a mental illness. Angela pointed to the doll. "Chucky called me on the phone. He says he's coming for you and Nica." I suddenly became anxious, and Dr. Foley quickly interfered, "Ok, thank you, Angela. That's quite enough." I looked back to Angela, and then looked at Chucky. I knew Angela was sick, but....what if it was true? "Y/N, this is Madeleine." Dr. Foley pointed to a brunette woman, and she had nice, chocolate brown eyes. She silently waved. She seemed to have a sad looking expression on her face, and I gave a look of concern. "Are you okay?" I leaned in, but she backed away more into the couch. I looked down in shame. Did I just terrorize a patient? "It's okay, Y/N. Madeleine can be a bit shy. You did nothing wrong." Dr. Foley assured me, and we turned to face another woman. "Now, this is Claire." Claire seemed Chinese, which I thought was really cool. But, she didn't have the best attitude. "Hi, I'm Y/-" Claire backed away, a disgusted look on her face. "Get your ugly, disgusting scarred doll away from me." She harshly ordered, and I clutched Chucky hard. Yeah, what Claire said might've been true, but it was a gift from my friend. "Be like that." I politely told her, and walked with Dr. Foley to the next person. "This is Malcolm." Woah, the only man. "Hey." He simply smiled, and I smiled back. "I'm Y/N." Malcolm smiled brightly, and shook my hand. "I'm Mark Zuckerberg. Not Malcolm." He glared at Dr. Foley, and I was puzzled. Did Mark have Multiple Personality Disorder? It sure seemed to be the case. "Sorry, Mark." Mark nodded, and looked to Chucky. "Careful with that." He told me, and I nodded. Dr. Foley led me to the other side of the room. "And now, Y/N, meet Nica." We turned to a girl in a wheelchair, and she looked very pretty. She had the brave face of a hero, and she looked at me. "So, you're Y/N.....?" I nodded, and I smirked. "Nice to meet you, Nica." She just nodded suspiciously, then looked at Chucky. "Where'd you get that?" Nica seemed both shocked and extremely worried, and I was starting to get uneasy. "From a friend." Nica looked up at Dr. Foley with gritted teeth, then cleared her throat and looked at me with a false smile. "What was your friend's name?" I adjusted Chucky in my arms, and lifted my chin. "Tiffany Valentine." Nica's eyes widened in horror and she had her mouth slightly agape. She looked to Dr. Foley. "Dr. Foley that's a different Chucky doll, he has scars all over his face, and he is similar to the other-" "Nica, please. It's just a scary Halloween doll. It'll be fine." Dr. Foley gave her a reassuring smile, and put a hand on my shoulder. "Well, Y/N. We'll see you tomorrow. Today, I'd like you to sleep. Nurse Ashley will take you to your room. Nica rolled her wheelchair to me as I was leaving and she called, "Kid!" I looked back to her. "Be careful." I gave her a slight nod. I uncertainly followed Dr. Foley, still holding Chucky.

"Nurse Ashley, this is Y/N. She is a visitor if Nica Pierce." Dr. Foley introduced me, and Ashley gave him a firm nod and looked to me. "Come along, Dear." I went with Ashley down this bright blue room, and it was full of bedrooms. We stopped in front of a door on the right. "So, this is your room. You are right beside Madeleine." Madeleine's room was at the very end of the hall, and it wasn't on the left or the right side. My room  was just beside her on the right. "Thank you, Ashley," Ashley just nodded, and nervously looked at Chucky before hastily walking away. I shrugged and opened the door to my room, shutting it behind me.

It never stayed shut..........

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