19 - Radio

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Cheryl's pov

The thought of the Serpent sitting alone and shivering in a cell haunted Cheryl's thoughts. The image of her laying on a cement bench, waiting hopelessly for someone to rescue her kept flashing in her mind.

The heart-aching feeling reminded her of the horrible thing her parents did to Heather back in middle school. She had watched her best friend get ripped away from her and inhumanly locked up in a horrific nunnery, never to see each other again. She continued to wonder where Heather was. Almost the entire school seemed to had forgotten about her and Cheryl didn't know anyone who kept in touch with her family.

She couldn't let that repeat with Toni, she didn't want to lose the Serpent the same way she lost Heather. She had to bail her out before she would be gone forever. Cheryl had already heard her parents have two undoubtedly suspicious discussions and confronting her father about it left more questions than answers. She thought it'd be best to start with filling in the gaps, but she couldn't do it alone.

Cheryl took her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her contacts, deciding who would be the most helpful. She certainly wanted to avoid Archie after what he did to Veronica, so she scrolled past the ginger judas. Jughead was attending a Serpent meeting, which she didn't want to interrupt. And most of the members of the cheer squad possed the intelligence of a baked potato. Cheryl was running out of options until she nearly scrolled all the way down to the very bottom of her contact list and reached Veronica's name.

I don't recall the Lodge girl having any plans for the day and she would be helpful in a situation of this sort

Cheryl clicked her screen on Veronica's name and sent her a quick message.

Cheryl: you busy rn? I kinda wanna talk

She sat patiently on her bed, waiting for a response from the raven-haired girl. When she didn't receive an answer after five minutes, she decided to head down to the first floor to see what her parents were up to.

As she stepped down the staircase there was an unsettling silence, she didn't hear any voices. The manor gave off that same eerie sensation that made Cheryl feel as if she was living a horror film. She checked every room on the first floor, the living room, the family room, the recreation room, the dining room and the kitchen, no one was there besides the lingering ghost of her brother who followed around the mansion. After realizing her parents had left, she checked her phone to see that Veronica replied to her text.

Veronica: no, what you wanna talk about?

Cheryl: is it ok if we talk in person

Veronica: at the Pembrooke?

Cheryl: preferably

Veronica: of course

Cheryl: I'll be there in 20


"Cheryl what's wrong, you seem a bit tense," Veronica gave her a concerned look as she opened her door.

"I'm so sorry for coming on such short notice, remember you owe me from the other night at the party, I just really need your help with something crucial," Cheryl stressed.

"Of course I'll help, no need to apologize, I would hav done it either way," Veronica assured as she welcomed Cheryl into her apartment "My parents aren't home at the moment so you can talk to me about whatever's on your mind,"

"You're home alone?" Cheryl raised an eyebrow.

"Cheryl, when did you get here?" Betty walked into the living room before Veronica could answer the redhead's question.

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