Maybe I'm just paranoid.

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Here starts the plot. 🤫
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I woke up when I felt a hand stroking my upper arm. I sighed contentedly and slowly opened my eyes. I immediately noticed the unusual warmth. It was warmer than usual. As soon as I opened my eyes I noticed that my head was on Alexader's chest. His arms had wrapped around me.

"Good Morning." I mumbled and looked at him. He smiled fondly at me and the memories of last night shot back into my head. So we had done it, as Celine had predicted. I immediately smiled. It was wonderful.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." he said and I laughed softly. I pulled him closer to me and sighed. I thought about. I thought about what Celine said yesterday. Maybe that would be a good transition and we could actually take the next step now. The relationship.

"What time is it?" I asked sleepily. It felt like I had slept forever, but I was still tired.

"About 11 o'clock." he said and I frowned. So I actually slept a long time. I usually never sleep that long unless I have a hangover.

"I haven't slept that long in a long time." I said and Alec sighed as he continued to stroke me. I enjoyed it. I generally enjoyed his presence.

"No surprise, you work hard all the time." he let me know why I sighed and sat up. I looked at him.

"I know, but I have to finally find this criminal. I'm so close. I don't have much information left, then I have him." I let him know and now he looks away. He sat up.

He got up and grabbed his jeans. He hurriedly pulled her on and I looked at him in confusion. What was going on?

"Is everything okay?" I asked as he closed his jeans. He nodded. Did he want to leave?

"Um, yes, it just occurred to me that I still have an appointment. I have to go." he replied, putting on his sweaters. I frowned. I actually thought that we would have breakfast together.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked confused. Somehow I had a strange feeling about this. Why should he remember now that he has an appointment?

"No, you didn't say or do anything wrong." he said, looking at me a little sadly. What is happening now? "See you." he said and disappeared. Wow. I sighed and let myself fall back into bed.

Why did he leave so fast? I would assume that we had bad sex, but it wasn't like that and before he left he wasn't necessarily averse. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair when someone knocked on my bedroom door. Alexander? Did he forget something? Maybe he was just kidding me.

I looked up and saw that it was Celine who came into my room with a bag. She looked around and grinned at me. Right, the clothes on the floor. We had made it from the sofa to bed yesterday.

"So you did it." she said with a big grin. I nodded. What is she doing here anyway?

"How did you get in?" I asked confused. She usually rang the bell. At least, most of the time.

"Alec let me in. Apparently he was in a hurry." She said. I sighed and Celine sat next to me. "Everything okay? Did you have an argument?" she asked worriedly but I shook my head. That would at least explain his departure.

"No, I don't know what was going on. Everything was just fine and suddenly he had to go." I explained and she frowned. "Maybe I'm just paranoid." I let her know.

"I'm sure there is an explanation. Now that you've gone through the sex step, maybe you can dare a relationship." she said and I nodded. She was right. I'll just ask Alec and then we'll talk about what's between us.

"You took breakfast with you." I said and she nodded, proudly holding the bag up. I laughed and got up. I took my bathrobe and pulled it over.

Together we went down and ate breakfast. Now I wish Alec would still be here. It would be nice. We would definitely laugh a lot together, as we always did. Celine and I talked about different things, including work.

After we had breakfast and put everything away, I took out the various files that I had created about this criminal because I noticed something important that I had to tell her.

"Look, as we already know, he usually changes his location every two to three weeks. This time something keeps him here a bit longer." I repeated. She nodded, because she already knew that.

"I noticed that his victims are always people who have recently committed a crime!" I let her know and she frowned. I found that out yesterday, but I had no way of telling anyone.

"What do you mean?" she asked. I flipped through the folder to show her what I mean.

"Do you remember the assault case? Three boys were beaten up by our wanted criminal." I said and she looked at me confused.

"I thought there were several people involved?" she asked and I nodded.

"That's right, but what we didn't pay attention to was that our wanted criminal was there too." I let her know.

"That means he doesn't work alone?" she asked and I nodded. I didn't want to discuss that at all, but yes.

"Yes, but the point is that these three guys who were beaten up were the three guys who attacked the woman. Do you remember?" I asked and she looked at me in amazement. I think she understood what I mean. I listed a few more cases and she sighed. We almost had it and we both knew it.

"But what about the man he broke into when he should have been on vacation?" she asked and I leaned back. It didn't fit in the picture.

"I don't know. The guy doesn't have a criminal record, so he doesn't match." I said and she nodded.

"That means all we have to do is-„

"Follow the next criminal and wait until our criminal does his job." I finished her sentence. She nodded. That's how we would get him.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket when it vibrated and I got a message. It was from Alec.


I'm sorry, we shouldn't see
each other anymore.
Saturday; 12:02 p.m.

12:02 p.m.

12:02 p.m.

12:02 p.m.

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