Maybe I should get to know her.

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Hello! I actually did not want to upload today but Matthew Daddario just posted something on his story and now I'm in a very good mood, so I'm doing it anyway :)
Here you are! :D

I was woken up by noises outside the room. I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them. I looked next to me and noticed that the bed was empty. Had anyone slept here? At least I wouldn't have noticed anything. I heard people talking outside, but I couldn't understand what it was about.

What time was it? I got up slowly and stretched my whole body. The mattress was not as comfortable as my bed, but better than expected. I left the room and suddenly everything was quiet. Eliott, Blake, Nick and Alec looked at me. Was it about me?

"Good Morning?" I said questioningly. Somehow I felt very uncomfortable here. So unwanted. I mean I was. Nick smiled while the others kept their cold expressions on their faces.

"Good Morning, did you sleep well?" asked Nick. I nodded. After all, I slept through the night. It was nice that he asked. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

"No thanks." I said, rubbing my eyes again. I wondered how this should work. What am I going to do for the next few weeks? "What is the plan for today?" I asked.

"Mind your own business?" Blake asked annoyed. Wow, he probably slept badly. Nick gave him an angry look. Alec doesn't. Will I ever get used to his cold nature?

"Shut up, Blake." Nick said. "He must know what we're doing. After all, he's one of us now." he said. I doubted that, but okay. "We're going to a guy from another city today, about an hour from here. Apparently he should have information we need." he explained to me. I nodded. Sounds interesting.

"Yes, but you stay here." Blake said. What? How so? Should I lock myself up here? How boring.

"Why?" Eliott asked now. "I mean, couldn't we use his help?" he asked. Oh, Eliott seems okay too. Blake and Alec frowned.

"He would be no help, more of a burden." Blake said. Oh thank you. "We can't keep an eye on him." he said. I'm a cop. It's not like I can't handle something like that.

"I'll come with you! I can do it. I promise I'll be in the background, but I know my way around. I can help." I said. Nick smiled, even a little proudly.

"Oh come on, Blake. I think we could really need him. He'll do it." Nick said now. Blake sighed. Did we convince him?

"Okay, fine, but don't you do anything stupid and get in our way!" Blake said. I smiled. Of course, it's all not that easy, but I don't want to feel useless.

"What?! Absolutely no!" Alec said now. I looked at him confused. What is this now? Why doesn't he want me to come with him? "You can't be serious, Blake?" he said.

"Calm down, Alec. It'll be fine." Nick said. Alec looked at him angrily.

"We need to talk!" Alec said and dragged Nick into the room where I had slept. "And you, go prepare the car!" he said to Blake and Eliott. They did that and left. Nick and Alec closed the doors. I was alone.

I sat on the sofa and sighed. I heard soft talking through the door, so I went a little closer to the door to understand what they were saying. I didn't want to spy on them, but I couldn't help it.

"What's that about, Nick?" Alec said loudly. "You know it's dangerous and you're pulling him in there?" he asked angrily.

"I trust him. I'm sure he can do it." Nick said now. "Someone has to support him and you don't seem to do it." he said. Woah, mean but true.

"You know exactly why!" he almost shouted now. "What's all the flirting about? I know you don't like me, but what do you want to achieve with it?" he asked angrily. So they actually don't like each other.

"It's not always about you, Alec." he said. "Magnus will have a hard time here and I try to make it a little easier for him." he said and heard him walking towards the door. Oh, no. I went back and pretended to look at something. He looked at me. How emberassing.

"Let's go." said Nick and started walking. I followed him and Alec followed me.

I didn't know what to expect. What could happen in the worst case? We went to the car in which Eliott and Blake were already sitting. Alec sat in the front, so Eliott, Nick, and I would sit in the back. I didn't really care.

"Make yourself comfortable boys, it will be a little longer drive." Eliott said with a laugh and unpacked a pack of crisps. Nick and Alec immediately grabbed some and Alec also gave Blake some because he couldn't reach them himself. "Take some." said Eliott and held it out to me.

"No thanks." I said. I still wasn't hungry. Maybe it was the excitement. Eliott just shrugged. I liked Eliott. He seemed normal to me. He seemed loyal to the others and as if he liked them.

"Magnus, eat something." Alec said now. I looked in the mirror in front and could see that he was watching me through it. "You need the strength." he said.

"I don't think crisps give me a lot of strength." I said. Nick took a hand full of crisps and held it out to me.

"That's right, but they're delicious and you'll  regret it when they're gone. Eat at least these few." Nick said. I sighed and then accepted it. Maybe eating would actually be good. Nick smiled peacefully and Alec watched Nick through the mirror. I could see his lips forming a "Thank you". For what? Nick just nods.

"So Magnus tell us something about you." said Elliott with his mouth full. Oh, what should I tell? I was not interesting. "Tell us something about your best friend. What was her name again?" he added.

"Celine, her name is Celine." I answered. "Well, we've always been best friends. She's pretty and smart and honest." I explained.

"How pretty?" Elliott asked, whereupon Nick punched him. "Ouch! It was just a question." he said and rubbed the painful area. I laughed.

"Very pretty, beautiful. I'm sure you would like her and she would like you." I said. Elliot was a typical cutie-boy . He was pale, had freckles and brown hair with blue eyes. He looked really good.

"Maybe I should get to know her." he said grinning and I laughed.

"Yes, maybe." I said and leaned my head against the window. I liked the casual atmosphere that was here. Even if it is only short-term.

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