Maybe you let Magnus decide.

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Hello! Today is a good day because I got all my marks and I'm pretty proud of myself. This weekend will be full of sadness because I actually would be in germany meeting matthew daddario but since corona happened this won't happen until next year. Still, I hope u have a great weekend! <3

I woke up to the smell of fried bacon. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. What time was it? I took my cell phone and noticed that it was already 11:00 am. Oh, how long have I been sleeping?

I saw that I had a missed call from Celine again. Maybe I should call her? Would that be dangerous? Okay, there won't be a problem about that. I called her back. I hoped a little that she wouldn't pick up. That would save me from lying.

"Magnus? Finally! I was afraid that you have been kidnapped." She said. I frowned, even if she couldn't see it.

"Why? I messaged you yesterday." I said in a rough voice. She sighed.

"I know, but maybe it wasn't you." She said. I grinned. What was she imagining? "Your house hasn't been entered for days. Even some things are gone. Where did you go?" she asked. I put her on speaker, stood up, so I could get ready, while talking to her.

"Have you been in my house?" I asked, while I was putting on a different shirt.

"What else do I have a key for?" She said. "I just want to know where you are." She said. "Are you with your father?" she asked in shock.

"What? No, I'm not in Australia!" I said. Why should I go to him? I put on my pants and ran my fringer through my hair.

"I know that, sorry. I just thought you might need parental love." she said. I looked up when I heard a knock on my door. Oh, inconvenient. Alec entered my room and wanted to say something, but I raised my hand to indicate that he should be quiet. He looked at me in confusion, but when I pointed to my phone, which was on my bed, he understood. "Magnus?" she asked.

"Uh, yes." I said. "I wouldn't get parental love from Asmodeous either." I said and looked at Alec. I had to end the conversation somehow. "I'm fine, Celine, but I have to hang up." I said in a hurry.

"Wait!" she said, which is why I didn't hang up. "I know that Alec meant a lot to you, or still means a lot to you, but if he really just drops you like that, he isn't worth all the pain." She said. Alec and I looked at each other. His eyes were somehow.. sad or disappointed. Oh, no, no, no. Embarrassing. "In the end, he's probably like Camille, and we have learned that we don't need people like that." She said. I sighed and looked away.

"Um, yes, thanks. I'll be in touch." I said. "I love you." I said at the end and hung up. I turned off my cell phone. Oh shit, that was bad timing.

"I just wanted to say that breakfast is ready." he said. I nodded and there was silence. Then he turned and left my room. Great, now there was this painful tension between us.

I also went out of my room. Blake, Elliot and Nick were already sitting at the table, waiting for us. It was 11:00 am, why are they only having breakfast now?

"Good morning, did you sleep as well as I did?" asked Nick. I smiled slightly and nodded. In any case, better than the last two days. I sat between Nick and Elliott while Nick was giving me a little egg with bacon on the plate.

"Yes, I have." I answered. "Thank you." I added. He just nodded and smiled. "So, is there a plan for today?" I asked.

"Today we're just looking for more information." Blake said. "I have a list of different people who used to be in the gang. Maybe we can get something out of them." he said.

"And the best thing to do is split up. A team of two and a team of three." added Nick after swallowing the bacon. I nodded. That sounds smart. "I'll go with Magnus." Nick said. I looked at Alec, which looked at Nick.

"I don't think so." Alec said. I heard a giggle coming from Blake's direction. Blake looked at the plate, but had a grin on his face. Understandable. "I brought him here and I have responsibility for him." he said. What?

"Listen, he's not your property, so-"

"Maybe you let Magnus decide." Elliott said now. Thanks, I thought. Now all eyes were on me. Except for Blake's, of course.

"I'm going with Elliott und Blake." I said. Elliott laughed with a full mouth while Alec and Nick looked at their plate insulted. Blake looked at me in surprise but didn't say anything. I know he didn't like me, but I wanted Alec and Nick to be in team. I thought, they would stop being dickheads after that. I mean, where were we? In kindergarten?

We all ate, cleaned up and got ready. Alec didn't really look at me. I wouldn't either if I were Alec. That thing with Celine was really inconvenient. I wonder if he regrets it. Probably not.

"Can we go?" Blake asked. I nodded and so did the others. "Well, when you're done, you just come back." he explained. "Take care of yourselves." he said.

"You too." said Alec, looking at me. We nodded. So we left the apartment and made our way.

"The first one is not far from here, about 15 minutes." Blake said. I just nodded. He already knew what to do.

"Good move to put the two in a group." said Elliott. I grinned and shrugged my shoulders.

"Did the two always dislike each other?" I asked and Elliott shook his head. Blake ignored us. I didn't expect it otherwise, but it didn't bother me. As long as he's not rude to me.

"No, so Nick hasn't been with us as long as Alec. At the beginning everything was fine and we got along well, but for a few weeks now everything has gone a little wrong." he said. I frowned. Was it my fault too? „Don't look like that, you know you're also a reason." he said and answered my question with that.

"I didn't do anything!" I defended myself. „And I only have been here for some days." I added. Elliott laughed. Even Blake grinned.

"You didn't have to." said Elliott. "Don't you notice this constant fight about you? You can't miss it." he noted. I frowned. I'm not blind, but it doesn't make sense because Alec doesn't like me.

"Nonsense, Alec doesn't care about me." I said. "It may be different with Nick, but not with Alec." I clarified.

"Alec doesn't care about you?" Blake asked now. "Do you have eyes in your head?" he asked. "If he didn't care about you, you would still be in New Jersey, or who knows, maybe dead." he explained to me.

"It doesn't make sense, why is he treating me so cold then?" I asked. Blake shrugged.

"You have to find out some things yourself, my friend." said Elliott. I sighed. What did all this mean? If Alec still care's about, why didn't he just say it? He knows about my feelings.

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