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After that whole incident with Prince Bakugou, I excused myself and decided to leave right then and there. Either way later today I am going to have a picnic with him. At the moment I am with Shouto-kun since the next festival celebration is sparring. Whoever wins get to have a sword made from the scales of a dragon. I wasn't going to let this slide.

"Alright! let the Dragon Festival continue with the sparring! Whoever is the last one to stand tall wins the dragon scaled sword! This spar is only based on one swordsmanship so no magic or gift of any kind! First up Prince Izuku and Prince Bakugou aide Kaminair!" yelled Sero as the fight soon began.


Since I am the prince of this festival I am not allowed to participate. Rather I am the judge, but my mind was all on her, especially after the way she immediately left how I questioned her when she said something about my gift. I look over to see her in her aide's outfit but without the cloak since she feels a bit more comfortable being here now.

Her hair was tied up into a ponytail since she is going to participate, along with Mina, Jiro, and Princess Momo, since they are the only females participating.

I looked at her pierced ear and smirk...I found it sexy how a girl had her ear pierced. The only tribed with pierced ear were mine and hers, which makes sense. Looking at how she was messing with her helix earing I took note she does this when she's feeling anxious, excited, or embarrassed and flustered. At the same time, this brought a memory over how I wanted to get matching helix when I was dating Ururaka but she refused. Now that I look it we had many things uncommon...

I noticed how she kept talking to that icy-hot emo boy and how close she was to him...I want that with her...that closeness...and soon my regular frown scowled even more-over how that stupid icy-hot had the same piercing on, just like her.

I felt...jealousy...the meaning behind having the same pair of helix earring on the same side meant so much in my just pissed me off.

"Alright next up and final match until round two tomorrow will be Prince Shouto's aide Nikko vs. Princess Momo!" yelled Sero as I smirked and focused all my attention on this fight.


"It seems we will spar are you prepared Nikko?" Princess Momo said as she took her royal stance. I smirked and prepared my stand which surprised many because I weld two katanas.

"I am fully prepared so please don't hold back Princess Momo," I said as my ears perked up and soon after Sero said go we charged at each other.

After that, all you heard were the swords clashing among each other. I grew excited since I have never battle Princess Momo before, and according to Hawks she learned a different method of swordsmanship.

I must admit she was strong each blow kept me from going further and it seems she's trying to take me out of bound. I smirked as my fangs grew.

I guess I'll have to go full-on out. I changed my stance and now help my katana one in front while the other was behind my back pointing down.

"I learned various methods, after all, you are Hawks apprentice, and to become Prince Shouto aide you must have learned many fighting stances. Marvelous!" Princess Momo smiled as she admired my stance. And soon we charged again but this time rather than focusing on my strength I focused on my flexibility with my blades and myself. Soon enough when Princess Momo was about to strike I dodged to the right and duck down underneath the sword while my smirk grew even more.

"N-Nani?!" Princess Momo yelled as she tried to turn around but due to putting all her strength in that move by that time it'll be over.

As I ducked under I flipped around facing her back as my katana's were now entrapping her.

Without a way out Princess Momo dropped her sword and rose her hands. "I surrender," she said while panting as I was now breathless over this fight.

We soon faced each other and bow in respect.

"Amazing fight, the best one I have ever had," she said through breaths.

"Marvelous swordsmanship my princess, I am glad you enjoyed it," I said while curtsy since I am an aide after all.

And soon enough all the cheers erupted over the fight they have witnessed then sunset came...


"Prince Bakugou it's time for your picnic with Prince Shouto's aide Nikko, we have prepared everything on the location you have requested. Also, the desired food as you requested from Sir Kirishima," the head chef said as I nodded and made my way to Nikko's room.

While I was walking down the hall towards a corner to make a right I took note that up ahead there was laughter. I halted and peeked over to see who it was because that laughter came from her...

"Deku-kun you were amazing!" she said while her tailed waged all over the place causing me to smile at how adorable she looked. But the one making her laugh was him...

"A-Arigato Nikko-chan, but you were also marvelous and b-beautiful in your stance," he said while looking away from other than her while his fucken face was a blushing mess.

I noticed she became flustered while her hand once again reached up to her helix earring. They both were in utter silence...but what happened next made my blood boil.

Deku fucken pecked her ear causing Nikko to blush even more and stumble on her words.

"D-D-Deku-kun how many times I told you my ears are very sensitive," she said while pouting as Deku fucken laughed along.

"G-Gomen but your reaction is something I love to see..." he said right back at her.

I can't fucken take this shit no more I immediately walked out startling them causing them to move apart. "K-Kaachan?!" fucken Deku said startled over my sudden action.

"Kaachan?" Nikko question him which caused me to get mad even more damn why am I so fucken jealous!

"Ah yeah, Kaachan and I have known each other since we were kids Kaachan was the nickname I ended up calling him...ha ha" Deku said while Nikko giggled over his flustered act.

"Oi shitty wolf girl, aren't you going to change for the into the attire for the picnic?" I asked ignoring Deku.

"No, it makes me feel uncomfortable, besides my prince Shouto allowed me to remain in my aide's outfit for the remainder of the festival," she said causing me to grit my teeth.

"Fine let's go already I don't have all damn day" I yelled turning away as I walked off.

"Ah well then I'll see you later tonight Deku-kun for the fire show," she softly said as Deku simply said okay, then right behind me I heard her steps following me.

Before sharply turning the corner and out fo the castle I took a last glance at Deku as he stared right back at me. He isn't going to back down...and I fully understand why...

For it was my fault his first love didn't love him back, and now I am doing the same with Nikko...


I am not letting you take her away from me Kaachan...I will not let you get close to her...


I will get closer to her you won't stop me fucken Deku

I will get closer to her you won't stop me fucken Deku

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The Sirius Princess(Bakugou Katsuki)BNHA AU: FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now