The Mate

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It was finally music class and I couldn't be more happier I was excited to present my song that I worked so hard on. Well not really I sang it like 3 times but I'm pretty confident about it.

"Addison it's your turn to present", the teacher said. I got up from my seat hearing a 'good luck' from Hayden.

"'I'm going to be singing Gold by Kiiara", I stated. The music started and I lost myself in the song. It was over in no time but I think I did pretty well. 

The class erupted in applause as I finished.

"That was very good, Addison", The teacher told me. I sat down and thanked the teacher.

"That was really good", Hayden said. Hearing it from her somehow felt better than when the teacher told me.

"Thank you", I told her while blushing. Why was I blushing no, stop, dang it body.

"You should come to lacrosse practice after school with me and the rest of the pack", She invited. 

"The pack", I questioned. Who calls their group of friends a pack? Are they in a cult, damn it I always get associated with the wrong types of people. Don't assume Addison, assuming is wrong.

"Oh its a joke we share between us", Hayden said laughing awkwardly. She scratched the back of her neck before continuing.

"You should totally go to lacrosse practice after school though", 

"I'll think about it", I told her even though I already knew my answer.

"Ok", she said, she sounded hopeful.

Hayden's P.O.V.

Why did she have to wear that outfit. Gosh, some of  the guys are going to forget all the self control we worked so hard on building. It should be funny to watch though.

"So what song are you going to sing", Addison asked me. 

"Oh, I don't sing songs I accompany people when they ask for my assistance, I play guitar or piano", I informed her.

"Oh, nice to know maybe one day we'll put your skills to the test", she stated.

"Is that a challenge I smell", I said sniffing the air.

"Maybe", she said giggling and before we knew it the class was over.

Addison's P.O.V.

I was walking to the cafeteria and I couldn't help but think about Hayden and the rest of her friends. They made me feel things I swore to never feel again. Just kidding I'm being dramatic as hell right now.

Honestly I look like a girl that has been with a bunch of guys but honestly I've only dated one guy. His name was Aaron, he was my first kiss. We broke up because he wanted sex and I wasn't ready to give that to him because , I just wasn't ready. And it just went down from there.

So, from then on I never bothered to date again because most guys at my other school just wanted to get into your pants. Around Hayden, Scott, Stiles and the rest I never felt like that. Like they were forcing me to do things, I always had an option. With them...

"ADDISON", I heard a familiar voice yell from across the room. It was Lydia, Allison and Kira were waving me over. I could also see Stiles and Scott making there way over. I guess Hayden and Liam were on their way because the whole 'pack' was there.

"Hey Addison", Emma said. Emma was a stuck up girl that thought everyone wanted to be her friend. You were either one of her worshippers or one of her enemies. Apparently her and Lydia were best friends but then Lydia told her off and went with Scott's group. Now I'm not trying to make enemies on my first year here so I decided to be nice to her.

"Hey Emma",I replied cheerfully.

"Wanna sit with us", She offered. She was actually being nice I can't believe it.

Lydia's P.O.V.

Jealousy was flowing through my veins as I watched Addison and Emma talk. I knew Emma I knew she was just being nice to her because she wanted something from her. Our table watched them with glares. Hayden and Liam finally decided to join us and were a little confused by our expressions.

"What are you guys glaring at", Liam poor innocent Liam asked.

"Well, if you didn't notice already our mate is being hogged by Emma", Scott growled. Kira tried to calm him, but how can you calm someone when your just as mad? Addison said something to Emma and continued on her way over here.

"Guys stop staring it's going to creep her out", Hayden whisper yelled sitting down across from me.

"Hey guys", Addison chirped as she sat down next to Hayden. I'm not gonna lie seeing her so carefree with Hayden kinda makes me jealous. I know it's not my place but if we're all going to share her she needs to be comfortable with us to.

Scott's P.O.V.

I already told Lydia that Addison was our mate, I mean she was going to find out eventually, and plus she wouldn't stop bugging me about it. Addison got up to go get her lunch. I figured now was the best time to tell everyone. Clearing my throat I announced.

" I went to talk to Deaton yesterday and he told me that  Addison is our shared mate",

"He just came out and said it, just like that", Stiles said disbelievingly.

"I mean in more or less words, its basically what he was getting to", I said with a sigh.

"I mean we all feel it, I don't know why we should question it", Lydia said backing me up.

"Are we going to tell her about us being you know supernatural", Hayden asked. She seemed concerned with telling her.

"Well were going to have to", Kira replied.

"Is there a problem with telling her", Malia said popping out of nowhere. Literally she wasn't here all day long. I'm not even sure Addison remembers her.

"Well, I-I mean she might get scared of us and run away, or worse she could reject us", Hayden said. I clenched my fist at the thought of Hayden rejecting us. 

"I mean I would be creeped out to if I was mated to multiple people", Malia spoke. Stiles elbowed her in the gut.


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