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After the game we met up with the boys. They had to go to the locker room to shower because they were not smelling too great. 

"You should join the soccer team", Hayden told me. I looked at her and smiled a bit.

"Maybe, I don't know if they will let me join", I told her honestly.

"Are you kidding your better than me, and if I say so myself I'm like one of the best", She told me.

"I would go to your games", Allison told me. I smiled, I was starting to like these people better every day. 

"Maybe, I'll think about it", 

"Think about what", Liam asked as the boys got out of the locker rooms. I turned towards him.

"Joining the soccer team", Hayden answered. 

"You're going to join", Scott asked. I nodded.

"Maybe, I'm not sure yet",

"You should".

"Anyways you guys want to come to my house to study", Lydia offered. They all answered sure, do they not have parents have to contact first?

"I'm going to ask my mom", I answered grabbing my phone from my backpack. I stepped away from the group to talk to my mom. Hopefully she answers.


Mom: Hello

Me: Hi how are you

Mom: What do you want?

Me: I can't just call my mom, never mind can I go study with my friends

Mom:Sure, it's nice that you're making friends so easily, just don't come home too late.

Me: Ok thanks

Mom: I have to go now bye

Me: Bye love you

Mom: Love you too

She hung up and I turned to face them again. They were busy talking amongst themselves, so they didn't notice me coming. I approached them and stood beside Stiles. 

He jumped as he finally noticed me, "Geez you can't just scare people like that", he exclaimed. I started laughing, hard. Like the type of laugh you do when you can't breathe after a while, yeah that laugh. 

After like a minute or two I composed myself, and apologized to Stiles with a chuckle.

"So, she said I could go", I told them. They all smiled making me smile and before I knew it Lydia was dragging me to her car.

"She's riding with me", She screamed. I then wished she didn't say that because behind us I heard a huge argument on who was going to ride with Lydia. Her car only had 4 seats, and two of them were taken up by me and Lyd.

"Who do you want to sit with us", Lydia asked me.

"Don't involve me please", I begged I wasn't trying to get on anyone's bad side. She laughed and started the car.

"Should we just leave them", She asked. I laughed and nodded.

"omg that'll be so funny", I answered. She laughed with me before starting the car and leaving but not before saying, "Bye losers". I laughed as she closed the window and drove off.

"Omg, they are going to be so mad", I stated.

"Don't stress too much they won't be too mad", she reassured.


We arrived at her house and exited the car. Her house was really nice, she opened the door and told me where I could put my stuff.

"I love your house", I gushed, looking at everything. 

"Thanks, now let's go to my room, where all the magic happens", She joked. At least I hoped she was joking.

"Ok", I followed her to her room and set my book bag down on the floor. She dragged two bean bag chairs over and sat on one.

"Let's sit and wait for them to get here", she proposed. I sat down and we started talking about random stuff. She asked me about how I was settling in. Then she started to persuade me to join the soccer team. Honestly I wanted to join but what if I was self-conscious and didn't like to be watched.

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