Chapter One: One Look

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"We need you on set, Emily!" I heard them yell. I got up off my couch and walked to the door, slipping on my shoes. "Hey partner, what's up?" I heard him say. I turned around to see Stephen standing there. "Don't talk, it's too early and I haven't had my coffee." I said as I pointed to my head. "Here you go, just how you like it." He said as he smiled and handed me a coffee. "Aww, thanks Stephen!" I said happily as I sipped it carefully. "This is all I needed." I said as I felt the coffee slid down my throat. "Thought that would cheer you up." He smirked. I punched his arm. "I'm not always crabby!" I protested. "That's true, only when you haven't had your morning coffee. Hence why I brought you that." He laughed as he pointed to the cup in my hand. I smiled at him. The directors took us to our hair and makeup trailers to get ready.
Six hours later and we were finally done. "Drinks at Harry's?" Colton suggested. "Definitely!" Stephen agreed. "You coming, Em?" Colton asked. "Sure, just let me change." I said as I walked to my trailer. A few seconds later I heard a knock on my door. "You're riding with me." Stephen said happily. "Well if I have to..." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and laughed. I grabbed my purse and left with Stephen.
"Can I ask you a personal question?" He asked as he drove us to the nearby bar, Harry's.
"Uh, sure?" I hesitated a bit.
"Are you and Colton...? Have you guys ever?" He stuttered out.
"Colton? No. I mean, we made out like once when we were really drunk, but nothing serious... Why?" I questioned.
"No reason, it's just everyone thinks you two are secretly dating. I just wanted to get the deets..."
I laughed. "The deets, Stephen? Really?" "That's what all the kids are saying these days." He was laughing. "Just stop talking." I said jokingly as I nudged his arm. He muscles were spectacular.

A few hours later

"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" Stephen asked me. We were back at the lot where I had left my car. "I'm fine, I promise." I slurred. "No way. Come on, I'll take you home." He insisted. I rolled my eyes and followed him back to his car. It was a 15 minute drive from the lot to my apartment.
"How's Mavi?" I asked smiling. "She's great! She's getting so big." He smiled.
"Yeah, the last time I saw her she was so little." He looked over at me and smiled. "What?" I asked. "Nothing..." He smirked. "Stephen, tell me now!" I begged. "You're cute when you're drunk." He laughed. "I'm not drunk!" I lied. "You are, haven't you learned by now that you can't lie to me, Emily?" "I can, trust me, I can." "I doubt that..." "You have no idea." "What does that mean?" He said seriously. "Nothing." I said quickly. "Oh, come on... Tell me." He said as he nudged my arm. "I can't... Sorry." I said as I looked out the window, trying to avoid eye contact with him. "Fine, but one day you'll tell me." "Yeah that's not going to happen." I laughed. He laughed too as he looked over at me. Every time our eyes met, I could feel the pull, and just like every time before, I ignored it. "Well here we are..." He said as he pulled up to my apartment building. "Thank you for the ride." I said as I smiled and reached for my purse. "You're welcome." He said as he smiled and got out of the car. He opened my car door and pulled me in for a hug. "Such a gentlemen." I laughed into his shoulder. His muscular shoulders. "You smell like puke..." I said as I laughed. "Yeah, I forgot to wash this shirt, Mavi threw up on it..." I started laughing. "That's gross, go wash your shirt." I said as I pushed him away jokingly. He started teasing me by following me around trying to hug me. "Stephen, stop!" I yelled as I laughed. "You know you want a hug from baby puke man!" He joked as he caught me and gave me a huge hug. I resisted at first, but then gave in and hugged him back.
"Have a good night..." He said into my ear. "You too, and wash that shirt." I said as I pulled away. We smiled at each other as he got into his car. I unlocked the door to my building and waved him off.

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