Trying For Normal

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Chapter 26

After I was all cried out I had to admit I felt a little better. I also felt exhausted. “I think I’m going to go to bed.” I told Spike as I got up.

When he rose to follow me I pushed him back on the couch. “Sorry, but I got to work tomorrow.”

Falling asleep wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, but staying asleep was another story. I jolted awake a couple of times seeing Curtis Scott’s face as the bullet hit him. When I finally fell into a deep sleep I was haunted by images of his body on the ground in a pool of blood with Chance’s face watching me with a self-satisfied smirk. I woke up screaming.

Spike came running in. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah. Just bad dreams.” I glanced at the clock. One in the morning. “I’ll be fine. Sorry I woke you up.” Unconvinced, he laid down beside me, wrapped his arm around me and stayed there until I fell asleep.

I was awakened by the horrible screeching of my alarm. I shut the horrid thing off and glanced next to me. Spike was gone. I then became aware if the smell of food coming from the kitchen. Strange for a morning on a work day at my apartment. I wandered to the kitchen.

“Morning.” Spike said handing me a cup of coffee.  “Sleep good?”

“Ok I guess.” I said taking the cup. “Do you normally cook breakfast?”

“No, just thought with the amount of sleep you got, you would need a little more to keep you going.”

I smiled. “That’s sweet.” I said, kissing his cheek. “But it better be fast I have to leave in 20 minutes.”

I walked into the workout room and saw that I managed to beat everyone but Sam and Ed.

“Hey T. How’d you sleep last night?” Sam asked.

I rolled my eyes knowing the reason for his question. “Once I got past the dreams of dead kids and my psychotic ex I was fine.”

“I thought we were supposed to be working out not gossiping.” Jules stated as she walked in.

I rolled my eyes. “Sorry ma’am. It won’t happen again.”

“Good.” She laughed.

I smiled and turned my attention to the music coming through my headphones as I ran on the treadmill. I must have pulled my famous spacing out trick again because Sam was yanking out my headphones. “Sorry. What?” I asked feeling a little stupid.

“Just asked how you were doing.” Greg said.

“I think I’m just going to paint ‘I’m fine.’ across the front of my shirt.”

“What song was so good you couldn’t hear the Boss?” Wordy asked.

I glanced at the screen on my iPod. “Amarillo Sky by Jason Aldean.”

Ed groaned. “Not you too.”

I looked around confused. “Explanation?”

“Ed’s not too big on country.” Greg explained.

I was becoming a champion at eye rolling. “Ok. And who is my ally when it comes to music preference?”

“That would be me.” Wordy piped up.

I nodded. “Good to know.”

Then, of course, the alarm went off. “Team One, hot call. Suicide attempt.”

Review please. :~)

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