Officer Down

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Chapter 15

“What exactly are we dealing with here Boss?” Ed asked as we made our way through the neighborhood streets.

“Not one hundred percent sure. According to neighbors some guy knocked on their door, the couple in the house let him in. Then there was arguing and shots. Nothing else. Apparently the guy has gambling problems. We’re probably looking a collection gone wrong.”

When we got to the Ed handed out assignments. “Sam, you’re Sierra. Once we figure out what room they’re in find a perch.”

“Got it.”

“Wordy, you and Spike go around the back. Jules, East wall, Thunder and I will take West wall.”

We nodded and moved out. Ed and I moved to the side of the house. Starting at the farthest back window we moved back up the wall checking in each window as we went. Then we saw them.

“Boss,” Ed said softly. “We got them. One guy, armed. Wife is down, husband kneeling next to her. He looks terrified Boss. I think she’s dead.”

“Thanks Eddie. I’m calling the house now.”

“Sam, see if the neighbors on this side will let you set on their roof.”

“On the way.”

We backed up a bit to leave Sam room for a shot, while still watching the subject. The guy had answered the phone and appeared to be arguing with Greg. He pulled the husband up to his feet and pulled him in front of him like a shield, holding the gun to his head.

“Boss he’s got a gun to his head we need to go in now.”

“Go for it Eddie.”

“Alright Thunder and Jules will go through the front. Spike, Wordy wait for me at the back, we go in on my go.”

I nodded and crept around to meet Jules at the front.

“Sam you still got the shot?” Ed asked.

“Just keep him in front of the window and stay out of the way and it’ll work.”

“Ok. On three. One. Two. Go now.”

Jules and I burst through the front door. We made our way through the house to the room.  We showed at the same time as the guys.

“SRU, drop the gun now.” Ed commanded.

The slimeball lowered his gun, but it was a fluke. He fired. Sam hit him and he went down. I dropped my gun and crossed the room to the spot where Spike was laying in half a second. The guy must’ve had armor piercing rounds in that gun because he was hit on the right side of his chest, where his vest should have protected him.

“We need a medic.” Ed said, as I tried to stop the blood.

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