Not Your Fault

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Chapter 30

Thunder’s POV

I heard the door open and someone walking down the stairs. Great.

“Good. You’re awake. It’s about time.”

I just sat there glaring at him.

“Come on. You’ve got to say something.”

You want me to say something. I’ll say something. “My team will find you. And you will go down.”

“Close. Your team will find both of us. And then they will die with us. Unless you make the choice to leave with me. Then we just vanish and never trouble their minds again.”

There’s no way I’m putting my team in danger, but maybe his big plan will be flawed and they can work around it. I had to know if there was a way I can see them again without getting them killed. “Before I make any decisions, what’s your big plan to kill my family?”

He stared at me a little shocked. Then, I suppose, he took what he knew about me an applied it to the situation. But first of course he had to antagonize me. “They’re just a group of people you work with , honey, not your family.”

I couldn’t help it. I rose to the bait. “You do the kind of job we do, you get pretty close to your team. So no they are not just a group of people I work with. And yes they are my family.”

He decided to move on. “My ‘big plan’ involves a subject that your Sargent can’t talk down, a solution the Sierras can’t get, and a bomb Officer Scarlatti can’t disarm.”

I started to panic. “And how do you plan on assembling these elements?”

He smiled. “Easy. SRU will receive a call about a strange man dragging a woman into a building. And the woman is strapped to a bomb. Isn’t that interesting?”

I had already made my decision while he was naming the elements of his big plan. “Do what you want with me. Just don’t hurt my team.”

“You know I honestly thought you would make the other choice. It’s nobler in my opinion. I even made up the bomb in preparation. It would be a shame to waste all that work. And sense you seem to love that cop more than me…..I’m afraid we’ll have to go through with the plan.”

He then turned a walked away. Leaving me to think about how to keep the people I love from dying.

No one’s POV

He’s got Thunder. I could have protected her. But I wasn’t there. I should’ve been there. Spike kept running the same thoughts through his head as he sat in the briefing room. Sarge had let him come back more to keep him from looking for Chance himself than anything.

Someone sat down next to him. “Hey, it’s not your fault. You know that right?”

He looked up and saw Sam. “Yeah I know that, it doesn’t help.”

“It’s not helping any of us. But with have to remind ourselves that we couldn’t do a thing.”

Spike didn’t reply.

“Buddy, you have a reason for not being able to help her. You were at your house a few miles away. She didn’t even make it to her car that night. She was still within our reach. We should have been able save her.” I’m sorry.” The last part came out as a whisper.

“It’s not your fault, Sam. But thank you.”

Then the alarm went off. “Team One, hot call. Witness reports a man dragging a woman into a building. He’s got a gun and she’s got what appears to be a bomb strapped to her.”

“That’s a strange combination.” Spike commented as they went to the trucks.

It hit them all at the same time. Wordy said it first. “It’s Chance and Thunder.”  

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