The Read-Throughs

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"I still can't believe you pulled off Operation Chad," Nini told me playfully shoving me.

"Geez thanks Nini for having faith in me," I said faking like I was hurt. Nini just rolled her eyes playfully at me.

Currently we were going to the theater to have our first read-through. Kourtney was backstage working on costumes and Big Red was tagging with me and Nini.

We walked in and saw everyone's characters name on a desk. Unfortunately I was nowhere near Nini but on the bright side I was next to E.J. The only thing is he scoffed when I sat next to him.

"You ginger boy, can you read?" Miss Jenn asked Big Red.

"Not really," Big Red told her. He was telling the truth, reading was not Big Red's strong suit. He needed to work on that part of his life. He was taking support classes to help him but it wasn't going too well.

"Well you're reading today," Miss Jenn told him smiling brightly. Nini and I shared a look knowing this couldn't nor wouldn't go well.

"Before we begin everyone grab your neighbors hand," Miss Jenn instructed us. After receiving a look from Miss Jenn, E.J. grabbed my hand. Him holding my hand just felt right, like I was back at home after being gone for so long.

"In a world full of no, this is a space full of yes," Miss Jenn concluded her small speech.

"Nice did you just come up with that?" Carlos the choreographer asked. Miss Jenn just nodded before singing some rendition of We're All in This Together.

"Dude did we just join a cult?" Big Red asked me after we finished.

Like I predicted Big Red reading did not go well. He tried his best he really did. I felt bad for him. I know that had to be humiliating.

The next day Miss Jenn called an early rehearsal and of course I was late. I didn't mean to be late but it just always happened. I was notorious for being late.

"Sorry I'm late Miss Jenn," I apologized as I walked in. I saw it was only E.J., Carlos and Miss Jenn.

"Wait is only us two?" E.J. asked. I could hear him mutter you've got to be kidding me.

"Carlos and I had an idea. Troy and Chad never got their own song until High School Musical 3 and we were thinking we add a song to show their bromance," Miss Jenn said smiling. "Ricky you wrote your audition song right?"

"Yeah but I had some help," I admitted scratching the back of my head.

"Well you'll have E.J. to help you honey," Miss Jenn said. "Have fun writing a song boys."

With that Miss Jenn and Carlos left leaving me and E.J. in an awkward silence. E.J. sent a quick glance before leaving the room without a word. Why did things have to be so complicated.

I left after E.J. did not knowing wanting to stay in there alone. I had to go to the regular rehearsal with everyone else in the bomb shelter.

"Today we're gonna work on the dance for Stick to the Status Quo." Carlos said."Ricky I want you here, front and center."

I mentally groaned. I was not good at dancing. I had two left feet.

After messing up several times I was ready to give up. No matter how many times I got corrected I kept messing up the steps.

"What are you even doing here Ricky? You're messing up something the rest of us take seriously," E.J. snapped annoyed that I kept messing up.

"I do take this seriously," I argued.

"You don't take anything seriously, you just coast," E.J. told me getting closer.

"Everyone take five," Carlos said ushering everyone out the room.

"Then what do you want me to do E.J.?" I asked taking a step closer closing the gap between us.

"Give the part to someone who will take it seriously. You don't want to be here," He told me.

"Whatever," I said grabbing my board heading out the door. Big Red was in the hall and followed me.

"Are we quitting operation Chad?" Big Red asked.

"It was a mistake, Big Red. E.J. hates me. All the history we had is gone," I said.

"Wanna come over?" He asked me but I didn't respond. "Or we can go to yours?"

"Things are weird at my house right now," I admitted to him. My mom and dad were going through something they wouldn't tell me about.

"Is your mom back from Chicago," He asked me.

"No and I don't think she's there for work only," I told him. My mom said it was for work but she's been gone for two months now. No one is gone for that long.

"Ricky Bowen," Nini's voice came through my phone. She was pissed. "I know you did not quit the show."

"I haven't officially but I'm thinking of it," I told her sighing.

"Well don't. Forget about E.J. Do the show for fun with me," Nini pleaded. "We need you Ricky."

"I don't know Nini," I told her. I didn't want to make E.J. even more mad then he already was.

"I'll do your math homework for a month," Nini bargained. "Make it two months even."

"Fine, fine you have a deal," I told her.

"Good, I always win," Nini said. Even though we were on a phone call I could tell she was smirking.

I stayed up all night learning to dance. I didn't want to let Nini down and maybe part of me didn't want to let E.J. down as well.

The next morning I called Carlos over in the library to a secluded area. I showed him what I'd been practicing all night.

"You're doing better Ricky but those are spirit fingers and not Jazz hands," He informed me.

"Jazz hands, I got it," I said taking a note. I did the routine once more but this time I noticed E.J. quickly glance at what I was doing. I didn't miss the small smile he gave me before leaving. I smiled that I was finally making him proud again.

After leaving the library I was sent to go find Ashlyn and E.J. to tell them that Miss Jenn wanted everyone in the bomb shelter. I walked in on them singing some song. I'm pretty sure it was Ashlyn's power ballad for her character Mrs Darbus.

"If I cools back and change the past," E.J.'s voice rang out. It brought back memories. I remember him singing to me when I was feeling down or just because. I missed his singing voice and I was completely mesmerized. E.J. and Ashlyn finished the song and were laughing with each other.

"Uh Miss Jenn told me to tell you guys that we're meeting in the uh bomb shelter," I told them. I made awkward eye contact before I quickly left the room.

When we got to the bomb shelter Miss Jenn showed up us what she had purchased. Gabriella's phone from the original High School Musical movies.

While everyone was looking at it, the girl who's playing Gabriella, Gina pulled me to the side.

"I know you're trying to get E.J. back. Stick with me and I promise you will," She told me. "Do we have a deal?"

"Deal I guess," I said shaking her hand.

Lets hope everything falls into place.

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