Ch. 18- Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)

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Name: Lindsay Dixon

Age: 41

Hair: long, brown, wavy
Eyes: brown


Dang. We're totally stuck inside this dadburn closet. Ruben went to move to look over, but I grabbed his collar before he could.

"You are staying, your tail-end, right here!"I hissed at my seventeen year old son. He sighed and slumped back down.

We were in here looking around for supplies when we heard some other people come in. Now we're hid inside the closet of the kitchen. Lacey grabbed my hand. She's fourteen. I give her hand a little squeeze.

Thinking they left, I cracked the door. Only to see a persons silhouette facing away from me. My heart jumped a beat, and I quietly shut the door.

"It's all clear in here!" I froze. That voice. I opened the door once again.

"Mom, what are you do-"

"Daryl?"I asked. He spun toward me, cross bow in hand.

"Lindsay!"he ran up to me and hugged me close, "I thought you were dead! Where are the kids?!" Ruben and Lacey came running out and hugged Daryl.

"I'm so glad your alright!"I cried into his chest.

He moved his hand over my back in comforting motions,"Same to you three, darlin'."

"Daryl? Who's this?"A man in a sheriff's uniform asked.

"My wife and kids," apparently it's hard to believe because everyone was extremely shocked.

"Well then, welcome to the group,"The sheriff man said


When we got back to camp, Daryl didn't want to leave any of us by ourselves. Apparently ole Merle got the bad end of the stick these days and lost his hand after being locked on top of the roof of a building in the city. Poor Merle, I hope he's alright.

Daryl came up and gave me a tight hug. We just stood there, holding each other. I'd never get tired of holding him.

Just when we were about to go to bed I hear in the distance, "WALKERS!!"

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