Ch. 19- Deadpool/ Wade Wilson

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Name: Annie Wilson
Age: 20's-30's
Hair: brown, long
Eyes: brown
I stare at the bedroom door from my spot on the bed. Wade is in there getting ready for work. The door opens and light fills the room, I instantly close my eyes. I hear his footsteps approach me. He kisses my forehead.

"I love you, careful today,"he goes to leave but I catch his wrist.

"Promise to come back to me?"I ask him. I hear him huff with a silent laugh.

"I'll always come back to you, Annie,"he kisses me quickly, too quickly, and heads to the door. With that, I let sleep consume me once again.


I remember waking up the next morning, Wade not there. Every morning was the same. For the past ten years. I think along the line I just assumed he had left me and moved on somewhere else with some hussy, yet I couldn't bring myself to take off the wedding ring.

This morning when I wake up, I can vaguely feel someone sitting beside me in bed, caressing my hair and face. It feels so familiar and so right. Just so nostalgic. As my mind begins to wake up fully, I jumped out of the bed.

I look at the intruder and see...Wade? He wore the same suit as this man.

"Wade?!" I hiss. He leaves me then expects me to welcome him back with open arms?!

"Hey Annie... I missed you," he says.

"You sure did, after being gone for ten years! Why'd you come back Wade? Is it because I finally came to terms that you had left me for good and now you wanna just run back in and stir up everything again?"I cried, "Why'd you leave me, Wade?" He hugged me, my body being overcome with emotions that I didn't have the strength to fight back.

"You want to know why I never came back?" He asks quietly. I nod numbly into his chest.
He steps back, and places me on the bed, before turning away from me and taking. His mask off.

"I was sent on a mission. I was captured, experimented on, and disfigured. I was horrified of myself that I just could face you rejecting me. I love you so much Annie!" He seemed to be crying. He turned to me.The room was dark, but I could still see...oh God.

His face had been mutilated almost beyond recognition. If I hadn't know every aspect of Wade, I probably wouldn't have recognized him. I gingerly reached up and touched his face. He flinched.

"Oh Wade...what have they done to you?"I hugged him once more, "I'm so sorry! I love you too!" Wade smiled.

"Still have the ring on? I thought you were giving up hope?"he chuckled.

"Even if I had given up, I would always love you...I can't stop that,"I say and kiss his scarred lips," You're still my Wade."

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