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I wake up and it's been a couple of weeks and I'm nine months tomorrow but something feels wrong. I'm having bad back pain and I feel weird. Anyway I walk out Brad has May in his arms with Maggie beside him. I spot Peter in the bathroom. "Aww the baby mamma" said Brad. I put my hands on my stomach. "What do you want?" asked Nina. "To hurt Peter! He got MJ, now his got you!" said Brad. "Maggie! I'm your sister!" said Nina. "Oh I know but I don't care!" said Maggie. I begin to cry. "Your going to be mine!" said Brad. I hear a bang and Zayn comes in with Addi and Maura. They look at them. "Maggie! Why are you doing this? Leave them alone!" said Zayn. Zayn stands in front of me. Maura comes over and wraps her arms around me. "Maggie! Please!" said Maura. Maggie gives us the middle finger. Brad's doing something to May. "OWWW!" yelled May. I glare at him. "STOP!" said Nina. Brad smirks and does something harder. I scream stop! Peter comes out and kicks him. He drops and hits his head. Maggie screams and tries to throw a knife at Peter but Maura jumps in front off him and takes it near her heart. She screams and drops. Zayn begins to cry but restrains Maggie. "You bitch!" said Zayn. I cry and walk over and look at her. "L-look after D-D-Dylan and Z-Z-Z-Zayn" stuttered Maura and her eyes close. "No!" said Nina. I cry and look at Brad.

I kick him in the nuts and then go to Maggie. "Your a bitch!" said Nina. I slap her and walk away. Zayn sighs and the police get here and arrest them both. The ambulance take Maura's body and leaves. Zayn drops to the floor and begins to cry. "Z-Zayn" said Nina. "I-I lost my mum" said Zayn. I sit beside him. "Hey it's going to be OK, OK? Your strong" said Nina. "Zayn.... I know how it feels.... everything will be fine" said Peter. He comes over and sits beside him. "I know, OK. I am excited for my nieces, I read your mind, sorry" said Zayn. I laugh. "It's fine, Zayn" said Nina. "I am sorry though for what I put you two through" said Zayn. "Eh, it's life" said Nina. "It is, plus we have two girls on the way" said Peter. May stands up and sighs. "I have a headache, gonna get tablets" said May. "Oh I can fix that for you, Miss Parker" said Zayn and does something to her. She smiles and we have breakfast. 

Over the day, we're hanging out when I feel a pop and water dropping to the floor. "PETER! MY WATERS BROKE! IT'S TOO EARLY!" yelled Nina. Peter grabs me while Zayn grabs the bags and we get in May's car and she rushes to the hospital. We go inside and they get me a room. I put on the gown thing and lie in the bed. Peter sits beside me. "Hey everything is going to be fine, Nina. May is calling your family" said Peter. I nod and cry with pain. I sigh. 

Hours later it's time to push. I begin to push but they tell me to stop. "We're going to have to do a c-section." said Linda. I nod and they begin to prep. "Peter you can come too" said Linda. We head to the room and they begin. "It's a girl" said Linda. A few minutes later... our second girl is born. They take them off to clean them and they stitch me up, They bring me back to my room and they walk in with them. "Well their both fully developed but we're keeping you in for a couple of days cause you can't walk just yet" said Linda. I take twin A while Peter takes twin B. "I have a name for twin A, Skylar May Parker" smiled Nina. "Perfect.... after May, I have a name for this cutie, Willow Hope Parker" said Peter. I smile. "I love the name, Peter and yes, of course she helped raise you, you know" said Nina. We smile and soon my family come in to meet them. "Meet Skylar May and Willow Hope.... Parker" said Nina. They all smile and May cries. I hand her Sky and she smiles. "Hey baby, I'm your grandmother... Peter's mum isn't here but I'll be your grandmother, a young one" said May, smiling. I smile and mum takes Willow. "Oh Willow, your so pretty" said Mum. "They look just like you, Nina" said MJ. "Thank you" said Nina. MJ takes Sky and kisses her head. "You gave us all a fright, you two. Your two partners in crime" said MJ. I laugh and Addi comes in with Zabdiel. "Damn they sure do look like you, Ni. Anyway, we have a surprise... I'm 3 months pregnant" said Addi. "Congrats! Join the teen mum's club!" laughed Nina. Addi begins to laugh. "Oh my!" said Addi. 

Everyone leaves and Peter stays. "We have two beautiful girls" said Peter. "We do. Their perfect. I want to tell them when their 18 about Brad. They will want to know" said Nina. "Yeah they will, but I will always love them" said Peter. "And so do I, Pete" said Nina. "We're 16 and loving parents" smiled Peter. "God what are we gonna do?" asked Nina. "Love them" said Peter. I smile and kiss him. I breastfeed Sky, then Willow. 

We fall asleep to the girls snoring. 

Skylar May and Willow Hope,

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Skylar May and Willow Hope,

17th November 2020

6 pounds, 3 ounces. 

Their born and Skylar May and Willow Hope are here!

Only a couple more chapters left!

I hope you enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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