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It's been a month since Sky and Willow was born and their so cute. They are smiling nearly all the time. Skylar and Willow are currently sleeping while Peter does homework and I also do homework. Once I finish, I feed the girls. Peter changes their nappies and I smile at them. I kiss Peter's cheek. "Addi called, she's having a scan today." said Nina. Peter smiles. "She is going to love pregnancy" smiled Peter. I smile and kiss him. 

Addi's POV

I'm 4 months now since yesterday. I have to get dressed. 

I get dressed and put my hair in a French braid

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I get dressed and put my hair in a French braid. Zabdiel walks inside and smiles. He places his hands on my stomach and kneels down. "Hey baby, I can't wait to find out if your a boy or girl.... you were hiding last time" said Zabdiel. He kisses my stomach and stands up. "I can't wait to find out the gender" said Zabdiel. "Either can I. Zabdiel, I love you" said Addi. "I love you too" smiled Zabdiel. I smile and put my hands through his hair. "We're gonna be parents" said Addi. "We are, I can't wait for this" said Zabdiel. I kiss him and we head to the hospital, we check in and I smile. I kiss his cheek. We get called in and I lie on the table. Linda, who was Nina's midwife is mine. "Well.... the baby is healthy.... your having a baby girl" said Linda. I smile and Zabdiel kisses me. "We have a girl" said Zabdiel. "We do" said Addi. "Um guys.... there is three heartbeats.... your having triplets.... a girl as I said and two boys" said Linda. "Wow.... what?" said Addi. "Sometimes they can hide and looks like the boys were hiding" smiled Linda. We take the picture and I look at Zabdiel. "We have to tell fans now we're having three, that's the amount of babies we wanted" said Addi. "I know, their a gift" smiled Zabdiel. I laugh and we go home. Nina and Peter we're visiting now actually. We knock and May opens the door. "Come in" said May. "Hey guys" said Addi. "Well" said Nina. "A girl.... and two boys" said Addi. "Triplets" said Peter. We nod and we are all hugging. We decide to go home and I sit down. 

Zabdieldejesus: We're having triplets! We just found out! This is a gift that we got given! Addi's post will be the genders! Love you all x

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Zabdieldejesus: We're having triplets! We just found out! This is a gift that we got given! Addi's post will be the genders! Love you all x

JoelPimentel: Congrats! Wow triplets, crazy!

Addi_Stark: We're having 1 girl and 2 boys! We are so excited yet shocked to discover we are having triplets! Zabdiel we have triplets!

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Addi_Stark: We're having 1 girl and 2 boys! We are so excited yet shocked to discover we are having triplets! Zabdiel we have triplets!

Nina_Spencer: Congrats guys! Two boys and a girl! Wow!

We see Pepper and Morgan. "We're having triplets, two boys and a girl" said Addi. "Your going to be the best parents ever" said Pepper. I hug her. We sit down and have dinner. 

Nina's POV

Their having triplets, May is minding the girls while me and Peter sit on the roof top. "We have perfect lives for once" said Nina. Peter wraps his arms around me. "We do, don't we? 16, two girls, in love, happy. I love you so much, Nina" smiled Peter. "I love you so much" smiled Nina. We share a kiss and then go back inside. We take the girls into our room and we lie on the bed. I kiss Sky's forehead and she gurgles. "We have beautiful babies" said Nina. "We do." said Peter. "I-I want a baby with you but not now.... when we're older and married maybe" said Nina. "I agree with you, baby" said Peter. We kiss again and then have dinner. I smile at him and I do the last feed, change their nappies and put them down for bedtime. Me and Peter sit with May and watch films. We then go to bed at 11. 

Next day

I am gonna post a throwback picture

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I am gonna post a throwback picture.

Nina_Spencer: This is when I was 8 months pregnant and wow I still remember how that felt

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Nina_Spencer: This is when I was 8 months pregnant and wow I still remember how that felt.... I miss my bump but I don't want a baby again just yet.... until me and Peter are married anyway! 

PeterParker: Such a beautiful girl! x

Peter kisses me and my mum is gonna babysit Sky and Willow while we're in school and May is in work. We go to school and it was boring. Once we collect the girls, we go home and have dinner. We do homework, quickly and then relax. Addi and Zabdiel walk inside. They sit down. "We have some news. Zabdiel lives in Miami and I'm going to go down with him" said Addi. "Your only 16" said Nina. "I know but Pepper agrees, that we can't just have... just kidding" said Addi, laughing. "No, me and the lads are moving up here. I want to to be here and the lads want to be here too" said Zabdiel. "You two are pranksters" said Nina. We have some crisps and smile. "This is amazing, our babies are gonna be friends" said Nina. "They are and it's gonna be awesome knowing we have babies who are friends" smiled Addi. Peter kisses my head and Zabdiel hugs Addi. They go home and I hug Peter. We decide to go to bed at 10, early for once. I kiss Peter goodnight.

Today and yesterday was great!

Well an Addi POV! Woo!

I hope you enjoyed

Lorna xx

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