Chapter 2

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Days after Jungkook was avoiding Jimin in school because he didn't wanna be friends with him.

Jimin, on the other hand, was trying to find Jungkook in school because he was interesting to him. He was wondering why he felt such connection with the younger guy.

One day at lunch he saw Jungkook sitting alone and sat next to him ,,Hello Jungkook."
Jungkook looked at him and wanted to leave but he couldn't. ,, H-hello Jimin."

Jimin looked at him ,,Why are you alone?"
Jungkook sighed ,,I don't have any friends at school...",He really didn't but that was because of his very possessive boyfriend

,,Why don't you have any friends?You look very kind.."Jimin asked confused.

,,Look,I'm taken so don't try to flirt with me" Jungkook said offended.

Jimin laughed ,,I'm not flirting with you,I just wanted be friends with you,we had some weird connection when we saw each other. Plus I'm also taken."

Jimin also had realtionship with two years older guy but that guy seemed to be always busy.

,, Really?"Jungkook looked at him with big eyes.

Jimin nodded ,,Hey!I got an idea! 4 of us can go on a duble date!" He said exited.

Jungkook looked a bit down ,,Sure".

Later that day Jungkook and his boyfriend Taehyung met ,,Hey Tae.."Jungkook started scared.

,,Yes?"Taehyung looked at him seriously.

,,I met a boy the other day an-" younger talked but the other boy cut him off ,,You did what?"

,,Let me finish. I accidentally met him and I tried to avoid him, he is going to my school and, well, he asked us to go on a duble date."

,,Oh,sounds interesting,I'm in"Taehyung said normally.

,,Yo-you are?"Jungkook asked not being sure and Taehyung nodded his head.

Jungkook smiled and hugged him ,,Thank you!"

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