Nine - Introduction To War

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Aquila landed in a huge courtyard full of lush green grass and flowers of every colour imaginable. It was the perfect prelude to the impressive palace that overlooked it, with picnickers lounging on the lawns and soaking up the summer heat. The palace itself was colossal, built to four square tiers of yellow sandstone, with arched windows aplenty. On the parapet of the first tier, archers in green cloaks watched over the grounds below.

As soon as Aquila was noticed by those in the courtyard, a swell of noise arose and a crowd began to amass. Aquila took flight again, leaving Oracus, Garrin and Bandor to fend for themselves, so they quickly marched to the shallow palace steps before the congregation could gather too much momentum. At the top of the steps, two soldiers with spears guarded the heavy oak door, but they stood aside as they were approached. The door swung inwards and offered Oracus, Garrin and Bandor passage inside. What awaited them took Oracus's breath away.

A huge entrance hall with a dozen carved pillars was decorated with fancy green and gold banners. In the centre of the high ceiling, a heavy glass chandelier dangled unlit given the sunlight beaming through the many windows. On the opposite side of the hall, two grand mahogany staircases curved up to a balcony that overlooked the foyer. On the balcony, and all around the walls within the hall, doorways led to other areas of the palace.

There was so much to take in that Oracus was passing through another oak door before he'd had chance to see everything. But if he thought the entrance hall was grandiose, then it was nothing compared to the grand hall that followed. In the grand hall, the walls were decorated with the same green and gold banners, and another thirty or more columns held up a ceiling that was even higher than that in the foyer. The floor beneath a dozen long feast tables was of cobbled grey stone that was dressed in a royal green rug that ran the whole length of the room. And in niches all around the walls, marble soldiers with their weapons drawn posed impressively on white podiums.

Garrin led Oracus and Bandor to the far side of the hall, where a large man wearing armour and a golden cloak was sat in a throne. Beside the throne, a Lavorian far larger than any creature Oracus had seen before lay with its eyes closed; it was so still it could have passed for a huge pile of silver coins.

"Welcome, guests!" the man bellowed so loudly that his voice ricocheted off the walls. He stood from his throne and bounded towards them, the green gems in his chestplate shining brightly in the light. "Welcome to my city!"

"This is Torvanon," Garrin said quietly to Oracus as the man approached.

Torvanon seemed to get bigger the closer he came. He was about the size of Karvan, the fight trainer from Thessley, with broad shoulders and a barrel chest, both accentuated by his thick armour. The hair on his head and face was as orange as you'll see, and his red face was full of joy.

Oracus held out a hand to greet Torvanon, but his hand was swatted away and he was grasped in a hug that lifted him off his feet.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Oracus," Torvanon said. "And to meet you too..." He looked down at the Lion in Oracus's harness, and then to Oracus for assistance.

"Bandor," Oracus clarified.

"... Bandor!" Torvanon finished. And with a gentle hand for such a big man, patted Bandor on the head. "I'm sorry you had to leave your village in such a hurry," Torvanon went on. "And I'm especially sorry that you lost your father. I trust you've had time to mourn?"

Oracus nodded his head meekly. "Thank you for letting us stay here," he said.

Torvanon waved his hands dismissively. "The pleasure is all mine. Here, come and meet Ursus. He's much softer than he appears, please don't be intimidated."

Oracus: The Lavorian RiderWhere stories live. Discover now