Twenty-Four - Vassath Rider

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Tallarin's training area was far more impressive than Afarra's had been. On a floor of its own in the basement of the palace, it could hold hundreds of fighters at once.

There was a fenced sparring area for those wishing to wield a sword or similar weapon, while a dozen targets were cleverly positioned at different distances along a shooting range that spanned the far wall. Elsewhere, there were wrestling mats and areas with heavy weights for those more in favour of being strong than using a weapon.

After arriving in the training area, Oracus walked around for a short time before he spotted Kivali and one of the triplets. He approached them, and Kivali offered him a warm smile when she saw him.

"It's about time," she said. "We've been waiting for you."

"I'm sorry, I got a bit lost," Oracus said.

On either side of the triplet, who Oracus assumed was Shio, the commander of Catania's army, there was a man and a woman. The man was tall with thick hair and light-brown eyes, while the woman was older with frizzy hair and yellow teeth. Kivali turned to the three. "Oracus, you remember Shio," she confirmed. "And these two are Wilos and Dyma. They're Riders too."

Oracus shook everyone's hand. "I didn't know there were more Riders here," he said.

"There are three of us in Tallarin altogether," Dyma said in a nasally voice. "Four including you."

"So what do you think of our training area, Oracus?" Shio asked.

"It's amazing," Oracus answered, looking around. "There are so many people here."

"It's nice to see it's being put to good use," Shio insisted. "But it's unfortunate a potential Jowra attack has forced so many civilians to come here."

"They all know a war is coming?" Oracus said, surprised.

"Oh yes, Catania has warned them. She's under no illusions we'll need every fighter we can find should Jowra come knocking on the wall. It's been busy like this for a number of months now."

"What training will we be doing today?" Oracus asked eagerly.

"Well, I'm sure it'll come as no surprise your training will be slightly different to that of everyone else in here. Riders have a larger variety of skills that need developing," Shio said. "So first things first, why don't we all share our powers."

"I can teleport," Kivali answered first.

"I can turn invisible," Wilos added.

"And I can create shields to protect myself," Dyma said with a shrug.

"I can copy the powers of other Riders," Oracus finished.

The reaction of Wilos and Dyma was not at all what Oracus was expecting. They both drew their swords and pointed them at him.

"You're a Vassath?" Wilos growled fiercely.

Oracus took a fearful step backwards. "A what?"

"A Vassath Rider!" Dyma clarified, equally as fierce. "You can use more than one power?"

Shio stepped in front of Wilos and Dyma. "Both of you put your swords down. He's not a threat."

Reluctantly, they both acquiesced, but neither of them took their eyes off Oracus.

"A Vassath Rider is an unusual thing, Oracus," Shio informed. "It makes you very powerful and extremely dangerous."

Oracus was taken aback. "I'm not powerful or dangerous!" he argued. He looked to Kivali to back him up. "I can't even use my power properly."

Oracus: The Lavorian RiderWhere stories live. Discover now