phone call

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So today I decided to take Riley out and about since I finally had the courage to talk to her at the pool party and that night I went to sleep dreaming about me holding her so  just had to see her again so I called her 


MY FUTURE~ Heyyy Jacob!!

JACOB~Hellooo Beautiful how was your night ? and I was wondering could if I take you out later today just me and you 

MY FUTURE~ it was ok thanks for asking and Sure I would love to what time??

JACOB~2:00 sounds ok?

MY FUTURE~ Sounds great i'll text you my address byeee

JACOB~Ok and bye


I'm happy that's over with at first i wasn't gonna ask her but you know .I don't even know what I'm gonna wear or what were gonna do i'll let her choose where we're going my treat


I jumped all over the room  I was just to happy Jacob and me ALONEE ahhhh how could this day get and better i couldn't wait for this day i mean i knew it was gonna happen after the pool party when me and him were talking i mean how could you JUST talk to ME i knew he was gonna ask me out sooner or later. I walked to my room and jumped on the bed since jasmine was still asleep oh how I love this child she mean the world to even though she's younger than me i look up to her as a cool big sis i never had so whenever she does anything bad i would get mad at her but i would always be by her side no matter what. "Jasmine wake up pleasee i have important news to tell you and i need help" well that didn't work so i stared shaking her but then she said to leave her alone.... hold up pause a minute || i know this chick ain't tell me to leave her alone when she's in MY bed thats it she getting up one way or another so i went to my drawer and pulled out the first belt i saw and hit her with it she popped up so fast i couldn't even hold in my laugh she then came running at me full pace i didnt know if she was serious or really mad but until i knew i hid in the guest room locked the door and rolled under the bed....and i waited i start breathing really fast when im scared or nervous knowing that my butt got asthma then i heard !BOOM BOOM BOOM! RILEY LET ME IN NOW!!!  i stayed very quiet and still i really felt like them people in criminal minds when they be having to hide from that physco person not saying she's physco but i think i could survive ... Diary please let me in im sorry for chasing you and yelling at you.. she said that in such a sweet voice i actually wanted to open the door but i know how people do especially when ya parents say they just wanna talk but then actually end up beating you senseless yea i knoww.....about 20 mins later it was very very quiet which scared me knowing that she was still in the house i rolled from under the bed and walked to the door quietly and put my ear to the door and  listened to see if i could hear anything.. i didnt so i creeped open the door and stood there and looked around then i seen her out the corner of my eyes i tried to hurry and close the door but it was to late she jumped on me and hit me me everywhere she could possibly get her hands on after that i told her " Jasmine , Jacob is taking me out today and I ...before i could get done talking she looked at me and smiled really deep which creeped me out then she said " omgg Riley you're going out with a boy  i dont want you to grow up so fast " I laughed and she looked at me with a serious face and then attacked me with little kisses and told me she would help me get ready i called camry and Lexis over so they could help me get ready then Cam popped the D.Y.P.K question "Do your parents know??" whyyy camry whyyy i was soo happy and didnt have nothing to worry about until now see the thing is my parents dont allow me to date yet so thats why i be having crushes and stuff but come on im about to turn 16 for crying sake I cant even .. I understand that im their baby the FIRST and ONLY but come on a girl just wanna have some fun Starts singing girls just wanna have fu-un ohhh girl just wanna have thats all they really waaaant is some fuuuun whe the work and day is done ohh girls just wanna have have funn!



sooo what do you think i think this is the most ive written but...


Why camry why did you have to pop the question?

Do you think Riley is still going to go out and about with jacob even though her parents dont approve i mean it is her lil boo he gotta a thang for her and she got a thing for him right?

Would her parents do something that they'll regret?

Riley think she the hot ish now that her Jacob done asked her out

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