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           (I'm updating sooner cause I'm bored and don't got nothing else to do since I'm sick -cough cough- but on with the next chap.)

       (Cambam P.O.V)

After i went home last night i couldn't stop thinking about Devon  i mean like non stop maybe lf i see him again i'll stop thinking about him so much i went to sleep around 1:00 because i was playing with my brothers and my adorable little sister not to brag but she's a doll like fr even Riley would say so she smiles so hard when she sees my little sis and just says "awwwww she sooo cute i wish i had a little sis" speaking of Riley you know this chick called me 3:00 in the am just to ask if she wanted to some what match for school and plus she couldn't sleep not to mention i was really getting into my sleep she lucky it was her but good thing she fell asleep and yes on the phone i could tell by her Little soft snores she does that when she in a deep sleep so i hung up the phone and after a while to be woke up by my alarm clock ughhh this was gonna be rough day i got ready and threw on some clothes and ate a big bowl of cereal and walked out the house with my robe an slippers on "uh-uh were you think you going with that on ma'am" my mom said im going to Riley house we supposed to be matching today so she got my clothes since we wear the same size a lil bit "oh ok have a good day I love you " she said I love you to i said before walking out the door not to mention again i have to walk to her house but its not that bad as long as nobody sees me so i knocked on the door and there she was standing there looking like she wanted to laugh "mann girl either a tornado came in only your room or you FELL of the wrong side of the bed this morning" she said ughhh just shut up and let me in before someone sees me... we went upstairs making sure not to make any noise she had the clothes laid out on her bed i put on my clothes while she was in the shower she put on her on clothes and said i needed something done to my hair i sat in her chair and she started to comb my hair is naturally curly but i wanted her to straighten  it she got her flat irons and did her work after that she put a braid across the top like a headband but with my hair she wore her hair in a ponytail and some hanging in the back it was cute and i liked our outfits as we left she grabbed pop tart and we headed for school until a car pulled up by us Riley ran leaving me all alone because she was scared -_-   was about to scream until i realized it was Devon "well good morning you need a ride ma it look like you could use it " was i supposed to take that as a compliment or what but I said sure if my friend can come "yea but  where lil ma went at"? he asked i hoped in the front  and told him just drive up some he did and she was running but not as fast i guess she got tired she shouldve just ran to school so then it'll just me and Devon but i wouldnt dare put a boy before my best friend like who does that Riley!! I yelled she looked with a look of relief on her face and hopped in the back " you can sure run fast lil ma wit dem legs " devon said "why thank you but you cant just be rolling up on people like dat " she said causng me to laugh we pulled up to school and we thanked him for the ride he said it was no problem we walked to the front and his friends were there and the lil curly head  was looking at Riley and her cheeks were soo red i waved devon bye and walked inside .".did you see the way he was looking at you girl" Riley asked i blushed at her question then asked her did you see the way that boy was looking at you doe,and some friend you are you left me "well yo shouldve ran faster but nooo you gotta act all normal but to find out it was yah boo mmhmm think you slick and grown i got my eye on yall two......

                   (Alexis/Lex/Lexi P.O.V)

    Hey wassup my name Alexis but most people call me lexi im turning 16 Friday i skipped a grade well my birthday in he Summer so yea im starting at a new school cause the other school had to much drama and i aint wanna be in it so a little bit more about me im quiet and shy until you get to know me im a party type and an get buck wild and everybody say im skinny but i swear im thick baby but as i went in the school  there was a few whistles and mmh baby you looking good and you know of course the hating b!txhes but no time for them I got to know most of my teachers and this girl named Riley she was very nice she kinda acts like me until you know her she was even nice enough to let me sit wth her and her friends at lunch and to be nice back i gave them invitations to my pool party on friday and only the people I like will get to sleep over and i decided that they could spend the night i got to know them better and  had my eyes on this cute boy with dreads i didnt know his name so I asked Riley could she give out some invitations and especially to the boy with dreads i think im really going to enjoy this party..

( sorry this chap short i mostly planned for most of the stuff to happen in the next chapter soo yea and im skipping from Tuesday to Friday )

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