sneakyy date

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(Jacob's P.o.v)

I was on my way to pick up Riley  but before that I wanted to call to make sure we were still on...
J- oh hey I was just calling to tell you I'm on the way and to make sure we were still on for tonight..?
R-Oh yea umm suree were still on but I have to get ready byeee.

While she was talking it sounded like she was moving around a lot and I heard heard a lot of voices I guess her friends are helping her get ready I cant wait to see her tonight.

(Riley's P.o.v)

I was panicking and rushing trying to find out how I was gonna go on the date without my mom finding out ughhhh!!!

(Jasmine's p.o.v)
Me and the girls were trying to find a way to let Riley go on her little date without Mrs.&Mr. Finding out...."Hey we can act like she's sick in bed like put pillows under the cover and pretend she there" Camry said That's actually a good idea I said no one had any other ideas so we're sticking with that one... Riley was putting on her shoes and my oh my did she look good I just hope everything goes her way tonight being that its her first date and that she has to sneak out..

(Camry's P.o.v)
I was coming up with a idea for Riley to sneak out and after that I went back to listening to Nu'Est which is a boy Korean group that has the voices of a million angles and the faces of... I can't even explain but I'm really into the Korean culture and if it was up to me I would move to Korea and do everything that they do ..after a while I heard a horn beep.. Oh nooo this is bad Riley's mom was heading down stairs and Riley was panicking but Jasmine stopped her said "Heyyy how are you this fine night can I get you anything a glass of water?, Fruit,? May I ask why you are heading downstairs this time of night?? "Well I heard a horn and I was just checking outside... Jasmine has nothing to say so I hopped up and said that I had a new app on my phone to scare people and one of them happened to be a car horn haha.. " Oh well I'll be upstairs if you guys need anything.. But where is Riley... She's in the bathroom right now I said.. Well ok

(Riley's P.o.v)

I was hiding in the bathroom until my mom left so she wouldn't see me dressed all up.. I waited until I heard her door close and headed out the back door followed by camm and Jass , they told me I should be home by 11:00 or they'll text me when its getting close so I have them hugs and kisses and told the see you later and made my way around to the front he hopped out of his seat and went to open mines... I thought to myself isn't he a gentleman.

(Jacob's P.o.v)

She looked beyond beautiful tonight and I wanted to take her to one if the best restaurants.."Rathbuns", I hope she likes it I wanna make it a great night all before 11:00.


Any questions or requests???

Will R&J make it???

Sorry for this lateeeee update but hey I did it

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