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(Mr.and Mrs.Jackson P.O.V)

My name is Michelle Jackson well after I got married which Riley didn't approve of but she'll learn one day when you find that right one you wanna be with them forever for the rest of your life. I'm red with long hair I'm the baddest Momma out here yea I think I'm the hot ish wait let me rephrase that I know I'm the hot ish and I'm always picture ready. I just want my daughter not to be so shy and know that she can open up to me about anything,anytime, anywhere . My daughter is not allowed to date yet I know shes almost 17 but that's still my little baby girl my 1st and only and i don't want to see her get hurt ever but i might change my mind just because i want her to grow up.

My name is Daniel Jackson but they call me Danny I am married to Michelle and i really do love her but whenever her daughter comes around i feel a bad vibe and things start to get awkward but i love how sometimes i make Riley jealous, Michelle spoils Riley soo much that she probably could make her room into a mall Im pretty tall dark-skin ,dreads, only a few tattoos , I met Michelle at the Club,Then at the grocery store, then just walking down the street and told her it must be meant for us to be together if we keep bumping into each other so then she invited me over for dinner and that's when met the little brat she didn't even want to eat at the table with us she took her food upstairs , she didn't want to be in the wedding but her mom made her i had to admit she looked just like her mother that day very beautiful but deep inside i knew she hated my guts but i still try to treat her like my own you know, no boys,Not to much make up, cant go out later than 11:00 but hey that's me.

(Riley P.O.V)

I'm pretty worried on what my mom would say I really don't care what Daniel has to say .No i don't call him dad,or father, or anything that would relate him to me I rarely call him Daniel i just say aye or....nope that's pretty much it .If my mom doesn't let me go how am i supposed to tell Jacob to cancel what could be ,should be my very first date . My mom doesn't want me to date boys and i understand why but I'm smart i know not to do "IT" because there could be a 50% chance i could have a baby and I'm not ready but she has to let me date boys sooner or later i might turn liking girls instead then what.

(Jacob P.O.V)

I really do hope this date tonight goes great with Riley because I really like her I'm already making the reservations for tonight i already got my tuxedo , and now i just gotta get the flowers just make sure everything goes right but for some reason i feel like it wont but I'm trying to keep all negative things out of mind.


I know its short but i felt like i havent been on in sometime and decided to update


Do you think Daniel is no good?

Did Michelle put a man over her daughter?

Will Michelle let her go out this one time?

Will Jacob feel rejected if Riley wont be able to go?

Still Why Camryy??!!!!

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