9. Frenemy (2 of 2)

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In the evening after dinner while resting in his room, but still not sleepy, just laying in his bed, Ariel noticed some sounds coming from outside his room. Someone was playing the piano. Melody was a bit sad. Who?

Ariel left the room as curiosity got the best of him. He went down the stairs following the sound.

Before he opened the door to the room from where the melody was flowing, someone started singing.

Melody was slow but beautiful as was the voice. (Bird by Yuuya Matsushita). Ariel tried to open the door as quietly as possible, to not disturb the person. Room was dark, only lit by some candlelight closer to piano and fireplace.

Even if it was dark there, Ariel managed to recognise Thane at the piano playing it and singing. Ariel noticed as well two other people in the room sitting on the sofa not far from the piano: Dimona and Uriel. He quietly sat next to them on the sofa and enjoyed the melody.
When the song has finished Dimona and Uriel started to clap and soon afterwards Dimona jumped to hug and gave a kiss on the cheek to Thane, thanking him for the birthday gift, as he came late and missed her party.
Dimona asked him to play a few more songs, this time it was a fast-paced and enjoyable song where they were singing together.

Early in the morning after a shower, Ariel was adjusting his school uniform and like any other morning, he was struggling with top button and a tie, when suddenly without knocking Alex barged into his room.

"Have you heard that?!" He was shouting almost overly excited for some reason entering room and not even closing the door behind him.

"Good morning to you too, Alex." Replied Ariel unfazed. " And what I'm supposed to be hearing so early on Monday morning?" Asked in same cold tone finally managing to close the top button on his shirt.

"Because of someone from Cross clan nearly died in last night's attack and they coming to the capital, so capital is now being closed! Unbelievable! " Alex was shouting in irritation throwing his both hand up in the air.
"What kind of nonsense this is?! We can't now go to school as long as that Cross staying in the capital!" Continued Alex unhappily. " why now, when we are outside of capital?! "

"Why are you so upset?" Ariel asked calmly. " Enjoy one more week of holiday or so."

"Apparently it can take even a month until they catch the culprit," said Thane standing at the door of Ariel's room. " Good morning, boys," he added with a smile and entered the room without waiting for an invitation.

"A MONTH?!" shouted more upset Alex.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about this." Shrugged his shoulders, Ariel, still calm and started unbuttoning his school uniform jacket. When he was about to undress, he paused and looked at now two males sitting on his bed and watching him." Hey, do you two mind?" He asked them making a head movement towards the door for them to leave the room.

"Thane, can we do something with this? Whole month? I will go crazy staying here so long as in prison!" Was complaining Alex, ignoring Ariel.

"Is it THAT important to have this talk NOW in MY room?" Ariel asked with a bit of irritation in his voice." You're free to discuss this anywhere else, this mansion has loads of rooms. And stop panicking Alex, Thane is one of Cross, so he might sort it out faster than a month, Right?" Ariel said looking questionably at Thane.

"This has nothing to do with me, not my business." Said Thane stretching his arms and lie down on Ariel's bed like it was his own.

"Thane! How dare you!?" Finally, Ariel lost his cool and shouted. " THAT'S ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU, OUT OF MY ROOM!" roared Ariel boiling with anger.

"Ariel?" Both of them got startled seeing such reaction from Ariel and Thane sat up on the bed.

"Alex," said in a very serious and calm tone, Thane." Leave, please " he asked.

"What?!" Twins asked at the same time in surprise looking at Thane.

"Are you forgetting something? " asked Ariel." this is my room."

"Alex, please LEAVE." pressed Thane suddenly in very scary tone. And seeing his face Alex didn't dare to ask anymore and left the room.

After Alex left and closed the door, Thane stood up from the bed and came close to Ariel. With a swift movement, he removed jacked from Ariel's shoulders and dropped it on the floor next to them, then he started to unbutton his shirt, his face being very close to Ariel's.

"What are you doing? " finally Ariel woke up from his trance and moved one step away, realising Thane is so close and is undressing him!

"The person who is coming to the capital is none other but Elisabeth herself." Thane finally spoke with a chuckle seeing Ariel's reaction and apparent blush on his cheek. Ariel not realising himself that he is already blushing."And I just want to help you." He added soon after.

"Help? I believe I'm fully capable of changing my clothes myself." Said Ariel and blushed even more.
Thane couldn't control himself and laugh escaped from him. And Ariel got more confused. Why is he laughing?
"Don't be so embarrassed, we are both same here," said Thane still laughing.

"If you're so bored, I'm not entertainer for your amusement. " said a bit angry Ariel and made one step away from him.
Thane came closer again with a serious look on his face, their foreheads almost touching.
"Even if I am bored, what is it to you? What can you know about me, to judge me?" Thane said with anger and Ariel felt a bit scared and turn his face to the side avoiding his gaze, but Thane grabbed his elbows with his both hands, he couldn't escape, Thane was too strong.

"Like you, what can you know about me? We are not same," said Ariel a bit with anger.

Thane's face was so close, Ariel could feel Thane's tip of the nose touching his cheek and Thane's warm breath. He was too close.

"You're so cute." Thane almost whispered with a smile.

"Cute?!" Ariel almost exclaimed suddenly turning his head to face Thane only to brush his lips against Thane's and in a second with all might to push away from him in shock and covering his own lips with both hands.

But Thane was not phased at all. Ariel got angry and without thinking his fist fly towards Thane's face. But he dodged it grabbing Ariel's fist and pulled him forward and in motion, Ariel fell on to the bed with Thane on top of him smiling.

"You make me fall for you, even more, when you act so cute," Thane said with a cheeky smile looking at Ariel blush.

"FALL?! CUTE?! Are you gay?!" Almost shouted Ariel in anger trying to push Thane away from himself only to realise later what he has blurbed without thinking.

Thane only made big eyes of surprise and then started to laugh making Ariel more confused. He is laughing? He is not angry, but only laughs?

After few moments Thane calmed down and serious look now was on his face and looking straight into Ariel's eyes. Thane's face was closing in. In fear of imminent kiss, Ariel closed his both eyes, with both hands covering his lips and turning his head to the side. Thane only chuckled and whispered to Ariel's ear.

"We are both the same. Not gay, but hiding our true gender underneath clothes to survive. You're not alone. Trust me and if you need me, I'm here for you."

And he stood up and left the room and shocked, frozen Ariel on the bed.

"When you're ready, come for breakfast. " Thane said loudly before leaving room and closing door behind.

Hello everyone,
How is it going so far?
What would you do in Ariel's place?
Trust Thane? Stay away?

Hope you enjoying so far.
Share your opinions and suggestions and anything in between :)

Thank you

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