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August pov
I stared at the ceiling it was morning I was going with the pastor to go back to that girl house I told him everything that happened now all it cause me was to pray and apologize like the fuck did I do

Pastor-Come on August get ready I'll be in the car. He said I sighed getting up he walked out I went and grabbed some clothes going into the bathroom.

🌞Asmita house 🏡
I walked in with pastor she shut the door as we sat in the living room I rolled my eyes as Chris sat down than Asmita sat down

Asmita-So what are you guys for? She asked Pastor looked at me like "go on" i sighed deeply laying back

August-I Apologies for getting an attitude with you guys yesterday It was ungodly for me to say those things when you guys were just trying to help me well Asmita. I mumbled gritting through my teeth every word Chris busted up laughing I glared at him

Asmita-Chris. She nudged his side making him stop but cracking a smile

August-I swear this was a mistake Ima beat somebody Ass. I mumbled under my breath

Asmita-I'm sorry August about chris, he's something else.... but i accept your apology. She said than we all looked at Chris who looked back

Chris-Oh I don't accept your apology. He shrugged

Chris-You meant everything you said yesterday. He said shrugging

August-And you ain't lying I apologize to Asmita but to you it's going take some progress to ever apologize to you. I said shrugging

Chris-There's no need to apologize it's not like ima care. He said laughing

August-Just like you didn't care about me right in prison. I said nodding

Chris-Give it up already I can't change the fact you went to prison for 10 years it already happened get over it August! He yelled


Pastor-Asmita no let them talk it out. He said

August-you could of did something before those ten years dummy! Chris we were bestfriends since pre school Yo dumbass knew everything about me you knew I had no family I always could relie on you just like you could on me...you were only my family dude! I told you I wasn't mad that you ain't bail me out I'm mad that you ain't try to figure out what happened! You excused me just like everybody else!. I yelled at him

August-I hate you man I hate you I hate you! I yelled squeezing my fist

August- my ex took everything from me when I was in prison...I shook my head He was quiet looking down

Pastor-August hate isn't the way of solving things and you know that-gco

August-I'm not solving hate with anything, I'm clearly excusing him out my life. I shrugged

Pastor-But you think that's solving your problems you think that's solving how your going to feel? He asked I sat back folding my arms

August-I'm not saying taking him out my life is going to heal me or not I just don't want anything to deal with him

I shrugged

Pastor-Jesus had a enemy he knew that his enemy was going to turn his back on him and try to get him killed but he washed his enemy feet and ate and drink wine with him if he can forgive than everybody else can. He said I rolled my eyes

August-Everybody isn't Jesus. I snapped

August-It takes progress...man I don't know why I'm explaining myself this is a waste of time. I shook my head I'm so tired of everybody

Asmita-August I know that your hurting a lot of people hurt and I know it takes progress we're here for you, we're going to help you okay we can start off going to open your case but we can't help you...if you don't let us you can't push everybody away how is the achieving anything. She asked I sighed

August-I don't need anybody help. I gritted

Pastor-Stop that bitterness August you know you need help you just don't wanna admit it, August I know your having a hard time to trust us but we're all you have right now. He said I looked at my fingers I peaked and looked at Asmita she was just staring at me I looked at pastor who was looking at me I looked back down

Pastor-I know you don't wanna accept because Asmita is Chris girlfriend but don't let someone destroy your opportunities. He said I chuckled and looked at him

August-I did multiple times already. I chuckled

August-I really have nothing else to lose. I shrugged getting up

Pastor-So your really not going to accept this help from us. He said shaking his head

August-I need to use the bathroom where's the bathroom. I asked she raised an eyebrow

Asmita-I don't have one into you accept it. She smiled folding her arms pastor chuckled looking at me This bitch

August-I can just look for it myself. I shrugged

August-Or pee on your carpet either way I don't care. I said Chris rolled his eyes

Chris-Asmita he'll do it. He said looking at her

August-Oh look I guess he knows me. I shrugged he rolled his eyes

Asmita-Deal or no bathroom. She said getting up

August-Igh fine. I said

Asmita-The bathroom is down the hall. She said I walked down the hall sike the fuck

I shut the door pulling out my dick I pissed in the toilet bitting my lip this feel good I flushed the toilet putting my dick back in I pulled my pants up washing my hands I looked at the mirror looking at my tired face I sighed I can't torture myself like this...I'm not finna let Chris or anybody in my way

So I guess I am taking that deal

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