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August pov
I just looked at her

Asmita-Ima give you two some privacy

She said quietly walking out

August-You already lost me the day you accused me of being the fault of my brother getting killed

Mom-August baby I'm sorry I wanna be there for you not because your fame no nothing I want my son back I wanna be there for you I don't want you to end up dead and we haven't even fixed are problems...I don't wanna end up dead when we don't have peace I want you to come to my funeral...

She said

Mom-August please forgive me that's all I'm asking for you don't have to bond with me I just want your forgiveness

She cried

August-I forgive you ma

I said she hugged me I hugged her she cried I rubbed on her back slowly

Mom-I couldn't stop crying when they said you got shot I was scared you were going to be gone forever

She cried

Two hours later
I was watching my mom play with ayumi asmita was sitting next to me


August-You know I'm ok now

Asmita-I know I'm just worried you know

Mom-Hey ayumi lets go get some ice cream

She spoke grabbing her hand they walked out

August-You know Chris is worried

Asmita-Yeah I know but I miss you

August-Asmita you got married to Chris you had your pick

I spoke looking at her

Asmita-But I'm regretting it now

August-Is he hitting you

Asmita-No it's just he's selfish

August-I've been discovered that

Asmita-I just want you I want to kiss you I want you to hold me I want-

I heard the door open I saw a cart

Nurse-I'm sorry was I interrupting anything I'll go back and come another hou-

August-No it's fine

I said asmita grabbed her keys and walked out I sighed the nurse came by me

Nurse-Sit up for me

I sat up

She started to check my blood pressure

Moments later

Nurse-Your stressing and your tense

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