Acting professional

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So just wanted to say if you read this far i hope you like it if you do i'm glad. Just look at the picture the next big three ciniamin roll, half and half, and bakahoe. Yes i did that i'm sorry i'm a disapointmennt.

y/n POV

"PRESENT MIC GET BACK HERE" you started screaming.

"NO I'M SORRY" he screams back still running away.

Deku's POV

All i hear is yelling coming from outside even over my class and there loud. Mr.Asawia (i know i didn't spell that right sorry) isn't even here class should have started ten minutes ago is something going on? I got up to look out the window maybe there's a villain attacking the school again. "OI Deku sit you ass down" Kacchan started yelling at me. "Ya hold on i thing something's going on a villain might be attacking the school did you not hear the yelling" I tell now every student looking at me because of his sudden out burst. "I didn't hear sh-" he was cut of by more yelling coming from outside by that every student in class got up to look out the window including Kacchan. "I SWEAR MIC WHEN I FIND YOU YOU BETTER PRAY TO GOD THAT I DON'T KILL YOUR FUCKING ASS" a girl screams looking around in the dirt area the students use for the gym class. "Come on everyone there's a villain we should go help" Iida says and everyone's out the door and on the dirt field in no time the pros/teachers are already there. "Rose please calm down" all might says to the girl so i guess her name is rose she looks about my age. "WHERE IS MIC" she screams at all might "Why is she screaming and at the number one hero" i ask and no one can come up with an answer we don't even know her. "Listen Rose you need to calm down" Mr.Azawia says as he uses his scarf and erases her quirk. She just smirks like kacchan but creepyer it send a chile up my spine. "You know that shit don't work on me" she says as she gets ahold of the scarf and swings him. Everyone in the class is staring in horror Mr.Azawia couldn't erase her quirk, but then i look at kacchan he has a little bit of blush and is staring at her in aw. "Hey Kacchan are you OK" me asking this seemed to knock him back into reality. "Yes i'm fine don't talk to loser" and with that he went back to what ever was going on. Uraraka leaned over and whispered in my ear "I think bakugou likes that girl" she goes back to standing up straight and i node she giggles at the thought of kacchan i smile 'maybe' i think to my self.

"Kids stay back" all might yells to everyone making sure we don't get hurt.


Time skip

I'm still pissed he stole my pancakes, but in the end i gave up still mad the teachers put cement hand cuffs on my hands and cement ankle cuffs on my ankles plus a mussel so I won't bite anyone. "OK kids you can come over" all might said to everyone in class 1-a. They made me sit on the ground THE GROUND so not cool. I watched as the kids that looked to be my age I'm 14 soon 15 "MMGH MHH MMGH" i try saying take this shit of me but it doesn't come out cause of this fucking mussel. "All Might is she OK?" a boy with green hair asks. "Oh yes young midoria she's fine"he tell the boy with a smile 'god i hate his smile it's to cheerful' you think to yourself. "Instead of telling us bits and pieces can you tell us the whole story like is she a villain or some shit" a blonde spicky hair boy with red eyes cuts in mad with the lack of information. "This is y/n call hero Rose she's a pro assassin she was on her way to help train the class today but mic made her mad by eating her pancakes" Azawia says being straight forward i give him i'm going to fucking kill you when i'm out of these restraints look he shivers at my glance. "Rose are you still mad at me i'm sorry" present mic said to me like ill except his sorry. I just trying to get him but the cement restraints keep me from doing so. "AHH" he yells jumping back behind the students. "Rose calm down or you are not getting out of those" midnight say pointing at the restraints. I just sat my ass down on the ground like fine I'll be nice till you let me out of these fucking things. She smiled and started to take of the cement cuffs "Ugh guys i can't get them off of her" she says to all might, Azawaia, and mic. "Ah crap now she's going to kill us all i don't want to go to the hospital again" mic says still behind the students. All the students looking at the pissed off girl she was mad. I'm was thinking 'screw this I'll get them off my self' I kicked my leg up breaking the chain connecting the cuffs on my ankles. Surprising the teachers along with the students making all of them jump back. I slammed the other ankle cuff against one and they both brock. I looked up to see everyone shocked except that blonde spicky haired boy he look at me like I was amazing well he's crazy. Stepping back I slammed the cement hand cuffs on the ground and the shattered (If you saw the sports festival the hand cuffs look like the one bakugou was forced to wear). Final I took of the stupid mussel and threw it on the ground and speed my way over to mic "I fucking dare you take my pancakes one more time mic those stupid restraints won't stop me from ending you". All he did was whimper it was funny i turn back to Azawia. All the kid's from the class looking scared except for that dumb blonde he...he's smiling a small smile but a smile wtf is wrong with him.

"So Azawia when does class start?"

That's all this was my longest chapter so far 1105 word that's to much for me. Sorry i planed on posting it earlier today, but i fell down the stairs then my family tells me they cleaned them. Like what the heck anyway thanks for reading till next time.

bye bye

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