Wolf Trainer- Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Savage Beasts

The feeling of the wind winding through my fur as I ran along beside Inja offered me no comfort at all. My eyes were still wide with the shock of the last word that rolled from Inja's mouth, and my mind focused on my last word that was directed to the both of us. Run.

"Sarah!" I yelped as Inja cried out Anjoo's name. "Everyone! Hurry! Something has happened to Luna and Urane!" Before I could get a grip on the Earth to turn around and run the other way again, the pack was ahead of me, running to the site.

"Where are they?" A male voice bellowed, most likely Kuteen's.

"I found blood!" Dioski screeched in horror.

Next to speak up was Fomanii, "What is going on here?!"

Everyone was yelling out in distress, confusion, and fear. But mostly, surprise.

Sarah, wanting to settle everyone down, said, "If everyone one just calm themselves and hush, maybe we could go search!"

Anjoo looked at Sarah in surprise of her outburst, but I could tell he was content with her reaction because like everyone else, he wanted to set out in search of our family. Sarah announced to everyone to stay together, for she wanted no more blood to be spilled and for no one else to go missing. As soon as we possibly could, we set out together in an anticipating search for the answers of where the lovers have gone too, and why there was blood left behind.


We traveled for hours, until the sun hid itself behind the storm clouds that slowly made their way towards us. Eventually, a rain began to downpour, soaking our fur and path. Any scent we might be able to pick up would now be ruined, and there was no way any of us could hear any movement other than raindrops.

I could tell some of the others were getting disappointed, and they looked as though they wanted to give up. This thought occurred to me at the wrong time though. "What if we went the wrong way?" The usually quiet Yolur spoke up with doubt.

"Hush Yolur," I soothed, "Don't give up on them just yet. Try to keep going and look on the bright side, alright?"

He sighed at me as he continued to trudge through the leaves noisily in silence. Then, I couldn't help but sigh at the thought of the truth. We were giving up. Giving up on our fellow pack members. But I wasn't about to quit, because I had faith that they were alive and well. That they were okay, and we would get them back.

"Go," I swear I heard the faintest of growls commanding someone or something to go.

"Inja," I whispered, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what? More rain?" He huffed.

"Go!" I heard it slightly louder this time. I knew I heard something, I wasn't just dreaming it. I knew it, for certain. And I was so scared.

I was so scared that my paws were shaking to the point where I bellowed, "WATCH OUT, SOMEONE IS COMING!"

The pack scattered out, looking around through the trees bewildered.

 "You fool, I told you to hurry and attack before they found us. You're just an ignorant scruff of a runt, run along now!" We watched in surprise as a large, dark gray wolf emerged from a tree, standing over top of a wincing pitch black wolf. The beastly sized one raked the trembling wolf with a hard swipe across the face, causing the pitch black wolf to yelp and run.

Laughter. This beast of a wolf was laughing. At what? The fear of the petrified young wolf he had commanded to attack us? I think so. I'm sure of it. I've dealt with savages like this, and he was one of them. More than likely there was more than him. And they were all going to be savage beasts.

"I think we found our captives' pack," The large wolf hissed his words slowly, making me tremble.

"Captives?" Sarah growled in frustration. Why hadn't I caught that before? My trembling, clouded brained self hadn't realized what exactly he said. Captives. He did capture Luna and Urane, or at least some other wolves.

"I'm guessing you are Sarah, I've heard of your a lot. And I have been," He paused, "Searching for you." A devilish grin filtered its way onto his face, making me grow more and more angry, but also fearful.

"Well you've found me, now haven't you? Show me where my friends are, now!" Sarah commanded him, looking fearless, but I knew her better. She may not show it, but she wants to run. However, she won't, not if it means losing Luna and Urane.

"Yes, I assume that I have found you. And you will see them soon enough, if you just follow me... Alone" He growled, stepping one step closer.

Anjoo spoke up, defending her, "She will not go alone. Why would we trust you anyways?"

"Anjoo, hush." Sarah sighed, then continued, "I'll go."

"Sarah!" I screeched in a high whisper.

"No you won't!" Defense crept more and more upon the, now, startled Anjoo.

"I will do what it takes to get back our friends." Sarah shook her head at Anjoo with wide eyes. And I knew she had a plan, whether it was good or not so good. Whether she knew it would work or fail, she had to give it a shot. And, well, it was her choice after all.

Trying to calm the fued, I stepped up beside Anjoo, comforting him. "Anjoo, let her go," I whispered.

"Yes, Anjoo," The wolf hissed once again, "Let her go."

"You quiet yourself-," He began, before pausing. "What is your name anyways?"

"Why do you need my name, dear Anjoo?" But Anjoo just glared at the beast, so he continued, "If you insist to know my name, I shall tell you. Ragiel, at your services."

"Well, Ragiel," Anjoo started, mocking his name, "I better see Sarah, Urane, and Luna again soon. Or you won't see the sun again."

"A threat, is it?"

"No, that was a promise." Anjoo turned from him to Sarah, hugging her neck. I heard whispers as he spoke into her ear, and then they broke apart. Sarah nodded and turned, walking carefully towards Ragiel, who was twice the size of Anjoo.

Without words, Ragiel walked away with his slow paced strides, having Sarah follow by his side.

Once they were barely in sight, the worst chaos expected, happened. "Boys, it's go-time!" Ragiel shouted in an amused voice. The rest of us that was left grew wide-eyed, searching for what was going on.

Before I realized it, wolves were on my back, blocking my view from everything. More and more wolves just kept coming. Then finally, I saw something. I saw Sarah getting attacked by more than twenty wolves alone. She was defenseless. "Let her have no peace, boys, you know what that does for her." Ragiel shouted over top of the growls as he laughed in his own success.

Then, once again, I was blinded from any other view. After moments of struggling to free myself and yelling out for the others, I stopped. I stopped struggling, I stopped trying to see, and I stopped moving completely. The wolves around me settled down, pinning me to the ground. Barely, through the legs of a tall reddish-brown wolf, I saw my love. Inja. He was unconscious, blood trickling between his eyes. I saw his chest slowly rise and fall, just barely though.

With the last of my breath and voice, I called his name, sending fire into my throat. And then I fell into a blackout as the same long-legged, reddish-brown wolf knocked me in the head with all his might. Complete unconciousness.

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