Practice Boy (newtmas)

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"ya alright Alby?" I heard a voice ask behind me
"hey greenie," Alby told me as he walked me around the glade "meet newt"
"'iya, that's quite a dash you made earlier, for a minute there might 'ave thought you 'ad the chops to be a runner... Till ya face planted" he laughs "that was great"
"Hey newt do me a favour look after greenie for me"
"Sure," the blonde boy shrugs before tugging my arm with him "so what's your name then?"
"I Uhhh I don't remember" I told him
"It's alright, you get it back eventually" he shrugs "you remember anything else yet?"
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Any memories, any feelings, any... Attractions?" I blanked a little confused and shocked by his line of questioning "just asking greenie no need to get uptight" he laughs "right now I've shown you around I got klunk to do so I'll see you later" he says winking at me before he went off to do other stuff.

I sat at in my hammock trying to think straight about everything id been here weeks and I felt strange about it all so I got up and went for a walk around the dark glade for a while till
"Rather dark to be wondering around Tommy?" The familiar British twang echoed from the darkness
"Newt? Where are you? I can't even see you!"
"Ohh I'll never tell" he laughs
"Newt seriously... Actually could I talk with you about something?"
"Sure,what's up Tommy?" He asks as I looked behind me seeing him stood with a barely lit lantern we walked and chatted about little things for a while before he spoke up "why did you really wanna talk with me Tommy?"
"I keep getting these weird feelings" I admit
"Like what?" He asked
"Like this turning in my stomach, his bubbling in my brain, my mouth feels clammy and awful because I can't say what I want to"
"Very common symptoms"
"Of what?"
"Of 'aving a crush Tommy"
"When your around this guy, does your stomach feel like it's full of butterflies?"
"Like he's all you can think about all day?"
"He is the subject of your dreams and... Your fantasy's?"
"What do you mean fantasy's?"
"You know exactly what I mean Tommy" he smirked but I reminded confused until he made a jerk off guesture with his hand
"Oohh... Well yeah" I blushed
"Who's the lucky shank then?" And I blushed harder "come on you can tell me" he laughs lightly shoving me with his elbow I saw one of the benches so we had a sit down
"I think... I kinda like Minho"
"Minho? Into the buff boys then?" He asked
"What no! I just... I don't know I kinda like him I guess" I explain
"You don't have to explain it Tommy, you like whatever you like" he shrugs "I know for a fact Alby rather likes to be called daddy" he smirked "I know that Gally likes leaving bruises" he smirked "I know that Winston Rather likes to be tied up" he smirked "and I know zart likes coating people in his cum"
"What about minho?" I asked
"Humm minho... Very dark kinky guy" he smirked
"How do you know a this stuff about people newt?"
"Word gets around sooner or later" he says but I knew he was lieing
"Tell me the truth newt" I warn
"You really wanna know?" He asks and I nod "I'm what guys call... A practice boy" he says
"What does that mean?"
"It means, that I'm normally where people go when there not sure" he says "not sure about there sexualities, not sure about there kinks... I'm where people go when they wanna try stuff out after all knowone wants to go into a sexual relationship being unsure" he explained "for example... If Alby really wanted to shuck zart, but 'adn't ever done it before, he wouldn't want to disappoint zart as it's albys first time and he wouldn't be too good or to sure so... Maybe Alby would come and practice on me till he was good, ready and confident to shuck zart"
"I guess that makes sense..."
"I'm pretty good at keeping secrets and I'm 'appy for anyone to do anything to me... So long as they make me cum too I don't care" he explained
"So maybe if I... Wanted to have sex with Minho but knowing how... Rough and kinky Minho is maybe I'd go to you so you could uhh let me get use to someone being... Inside me" I suggest
"Exactly... If you wanted me too Tommy" he winked "I'd be 'appy to loosen you up for Minho if you wanted me too"
"We should get back it's getting early" I blushed
"Yeah we should Tommy"

I stood passing why was I doing this! I stood outside the keepers huts passing back and forth before I finally got some courage and knocked on the door within seconds it opened to a half naked newt
"'ey Tommy, What's up?"
"You busy?"
"I Uhhh.... Need a word"
"A word? About what?"
"A privet word with you newt" I said trying my best to hint
"Come in Tommy" he says letting me in and shutting the door "what do you need to talk about then?"
"I was uhh wondering if I could uhh maybe... You know how you said your kinda like a practice boy?"
"Well... Can I practice?"
"Ooohh.... Tommy why didn't you just say so" he smirked locking the door "what where you looking to practice then?"
"I uhh... I wanna know how to do it,"
"Do what?"
"You know..."
"'ave sex?"
"Well you wanna be top or bottom Tommy?"
"What's the difference?" I asked and he laughs coming closer wrapping his arms around my hips to pull me tightly against the skinny blondes body
"If your on the bottom then... I'll be inside you." He smirked "or if your on top then you'll be inside me" he smirked giving my neck kisses and I was already stuggling to keep composition "or you could always... Stay the night and you can try both?'
"Uhh just top for now please newt" I blushed
"Alright Tommy" he smirked giving my hand a kiss as he intertwined our fingers "so... 'ow do you want me?"
"I uhh I hadn't really thought about it" I blushed
"Humm come on Tommy" he smirked tugging my hand towards his bed, it was a built bed not like the rest of us as we have hammocks it was almost a double bed actually with a pole at the footboard which confused me a little as we sat on his bed "so... 'ow do you wanna do it?"
"Whatever is easiest for my first time"
"Okay, want me to get my clothes off or do you wanna do it?"
"Uhhhhhh well I uhh I uhh" I stuttered "I'll do it"
"Okay, so let's get started-" he smirked going to kiss me at the same time as his hand reached for my pants but I stopped him
"Newt I'm really not sure about this"
"Hey, it's okay just relax..." He reassured "it's normal to be nervous especially for your first time" he says "it's fine we'll take it as slowly or as fast as you want to, you can do whatever you want to me remember" wrapping his arms sweetly around my neck "it's just me Tommy"
"Yeah,it's just you" I blushed pulling him to kiss me, he tasted like moonshine, mint and mud and I instantly loved it. It was kinda funny to think my first kiss and it was with newt of all people he went to tug at my pants but I pushed his hands away putting them back on my neck as I grabbed the blondes skinny hips and pulled him onto my lap which made him pull back
"Ohh Tommy..." He smirked
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing just..." He blushed "that a vile of serum in your pocket or are you just 'appy to see me?"
"Ohh uhh I have a stick in my pocket from the garden is that what your-" I began
"It's a joke Tommy" he laughs
"Ohh right sorry" I blushed "newt what uhh what's pressing like really hard on my stomach?"
"Humm..." He smirked giving my lips a kiss then me cheek then my jaw "that's my 'ard on Tommy" he whispered in my ear "so... You gonna shuck me or leave your poor newtie all 'ard and desperate?"
"Shuck you" I smirked pushing him down on his bed
"Good boy, now... You want the easy position right?" He asks and I nodded so he gave me another kiss and turned over to his stomach grabbing a pillow to rest his head and stomach on giving his body a little boost as he moved his hips up to grind his arse on my crotch "there you go Tommy 'ave your fun" he smirked I couldn't help but take everything in, his cotton grey bedsheets, his old but comfy pillows, his fluffy blonde hair, bare smooth back, his tight brown pants concealing all that was left a secret of him I couldn't stop myself from grabbing his pants and pulling them down to his knees seeing the cute little British boys bare arse exposed and ready for me
"What do I do..." I blushed
"Aww... Okay get those pants off Tommy, and your boxers too' he says so I did as he said giving my hard cock a couple of strokes "now your going to want to lube in some way, I suggest spit on your 'and or something like that" he suggested so I did that too "good now press against me, come on don't be shy Tommy" I blushed a little pushing against his warm skin "ummm Tommy... Now just push inside okay"
"What if I hurt you?"
"Awww that's sweet Tommy" he laughs "don't worry about me, I've had Clint testing 'ow far down the 'andle of a garden 'oe I can take trust me... I'll be fine" I was nervous to say the least as I tenderly pushed inside "uhh! All the way Tommy, don't just give me the tip come on" so I grabbed his hips and pushed hilt deep inside him "Uhhh!! Tommy! Ummm your bigger then I expected" he smirked I didn't need more instructions it felt so good I just keep going tip to hilt and it felt so good I know newt was enjoying it as he was rather loud till I pulled out "Tommy What's wrong?' he asked about to sit up but I pushed him back down
"You know you uhh said what all the guys are into?" I asked
"Yeah?' he smirked
"Can I uhh... Can I try something?"
"Hmm of course Tommy"
'wheres the rope" I smirked
"What?" He asked
"Where's the rope you tie boys up with?' I asked grabbing his cock and jerking it hard
"Uhhhh!!! Under the bed Tommy!" He moans so I used the same hand to slap his arse as I jumped off the bed getting two bits of sized I assume would work I went to the bottom of the bed taking both his hands giving them a kiss each and tieing them together before tieing them to the pole in the footboard he smirked knowing what I was doing to him he looked all sad at me so I gave his lips a kiss before getting up wrapping the rope around his mattress and attaching it at both ankles so he had no choice but to stay in this position, I took the pillow away and pushed back in returning to my pase "Uhhh Uhhh!!! Uuuhh!! Tommy... Please Tommy! Uhh shuck! Yes! Tommy! yes!" He groans as I saw his cum flood his duvet so I let him out the rope and turned him to lay on his back as he caught his breath "I thought you wanted to practice?"
"Why do I need anymore practice? I did what I wanted to do" I smirked pulling him to kiss me
"Why do I think this was all a lie?"
"Well... You got me, I never did like Minho, I just wanted to get to shuck you"
"You could 'ave just asked Tommy, I'd let you shuck me as much as you want" he smirked kissing me
"Good, because this time..." I smirked pushing his legs up and slipping back inside
"Uhh! Tommy!" He moans
"I wanna see your face when you cum for me slut"
"Yes master.." he smirked pulling me back to kissing him ....

The Maze Runner Imagines: Newt (Thomas Brodie Sangster) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now