Meet Lauren's Girlfriend (Q&A)

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"Hey guys" Lauren and Y/N said at the same time as they waved at the camera.

They were filming a girlfriend tag as people had been asking for one for ages. It was probably their most requested video to this day.

The fans kind of knew who Y/N was, despite the couple's attempt to keep their relationship a secret, but they didn't know anything about her.

All of the sisters have filmed this particular video with their boyfriends and they thought it was about time Lauren and Y/N did too.

"So today I have my girlfriend Y/N here" Lauren smiled as she hugged her by wrapping an arm around her waist, Y/N placed an arm over Lauren's shoulders. "And we're going to be doing the girlfriend tag which you guys have been asking for, for a long time" Lauren speaks up with a smile, "Like seriously, every time Lisa checks the comment section it's just full of requests for this video so.... here it is".

"I actually didn't know if you wanted to do this because I didn't know if you'd be comfortable on camera" Lauren says turning to face Y/N, "But we did like a quick Instagram q&a a couple months ago and you were so chill, such a camera star"

"A camera star?" Y/N jokes, "What does that mean?"

"You know like you're chill on camera I guess, I don't know" Lauren tries to explain her choice of words.

"Oh yes now I get it. Thank you for that great explanation" Y/N smiles, teasing the raven-haired girl beside her.

"Oh shut up" Lauren giggles, pushing Y/N's shoulder, "You know what I mean" she pouts.

"Yeah I do I'm just messing with you" Y/N laughs whilst brushing the soft pad of her thumb over Lauren's lips, immediately turning her pout into a wide smile. The Y/H/C-haired girl returns the smile before turning back to face the camera.

"Anyway, so I was like let's do a girlfriend tag because they've been asking for it and she was very open to it so here we are" Lauren tells the camera. Y/N just admiring how beautiful and amazing her girlfriend is.

"Okay so I did some research by watching other boyfriend/girlfriend tag videos and seeing what type of questions they asked" Lauren continued to explain what they were doing, "I took some out cause they were kinda dumb" Y/N chuckled at her comment, "And then the rest of the video is going to be us answering questions that you guys have for us" Lauren finished up giving the camera a smile as Y/N just nodded her head.

"So the first part is just going to be me quizzing how well you know me" Lauren told Y/N.

"Wow this isn't going to go well then" The taller girl joked as her face scrunched up.

"Wow you're soooo funny" Lauren said, sarcasm dripping from her words.

"Why thank you Miss Cimorelli" Y/N replied placing a hand over her heart causing Lauren to playfully roll her eyes but a small grin still found its way onto her lips.

Lauren scrolled through her phone for some good questions to ask, "Okay this one's easy, where did we first meet?" She laughed knowing the answer.

Y/N chuckled, reminiscing the memory of when they first met, "Well um I don't know, on the road outside Starbucks?"

"The reason why I don't exactly know is because I'm pretty sure I got a concussion when she hit me" Y/N rubbed the back of her head.

"Well let me just elaborate on that" Lauren spoke up, laughing "Okay so I was driving and I was trying to find my charger and then out of nowhere I look up and see a girl on a bike in front of me. I quickly brake but hear a thud sound. Then I rushed out of the car to see if she was okay and she just smiled up at me which confused me but then I was like she probably just has a concussion. I helped her up and offered to take her to the hospital but she said it's okay and then yeah"

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