No Days Without Pain

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Shit Shit Shit.

I was about to die.

I pushed myself to run faster despite all of the pain that was coursing through my body.

I ran round a corner into a secluded alleyway. I looked behind and saw two men dressed in black hot on my tail. I turned my head to look ahead and saw that it was a dead end.

Oh fuck.

Looking to the left, I saw that the building had a metal staircase attached to the side. I right-kicked myself off of the wall and turned my body to grab onto the hanging metal pole. I swung round and pulled myself up as I began to climb the metal frame.

I reached the roof and ran across it, trying to get as far away from them men as possible. Jumping from brick to brick, flipping over cement.

I thought I had escaped them so I took a moment to breathe.

Why did this have to happen to me?

Suddenly I heard loud voices shouting and a stampede of footsteps getting closer. I whipped my head around to see 5 large men rushing towards me with.... fucking guns!

I leaped up and sprinted towards the edge of the building.


Suddenly, I felt an indescribable pain shoot up the left side of my body. I clutched my abdomen and felt a warm thick liquid spill out onto my hand. I brought the hand up to my face and saw that it was covered in blood.

I'm not going to make it.

No I have to!

For Lauren...

I held my side and a surge of adrenaline rushed through my blood as I ran faster.

Come on Y/N.

The edge of the building was approaching. I looked further into the distance and saw that the building in front was too far of a jump. I looked around in panic, trying to find another route out of this.


Standing on the edge, my toes just hanging off of the rooftop.

I heard one of the guns cock and the footsteps come to a stop.

"I wouldn't jump if I were you" His grainy voice spoke up, "Unless you want to end up like your parents".

How. Dare. He.

My hands clenched into fists beside me.

I slowly turned around to face him. His ugly face stared right back at me.

"Ah that's a good girl" He grinned stepping towards me.

"It's a shame isn't it, how the ones we love the most end up betraying us" He ran a hand across his charcoal-covered pistol before locking eyes with me.

Wait- what was he talking about?

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I spat.

This caused him to let out a laugh. A loud, dry, sardonic cackle filled the air.

"Well how do you think we knew about where you've been hiding? Hmm. Or what you've been up to?"

"I don't understand-" My face fell.

"Y/N come on, you're much smarter than that" He pouted, "She told us everything. Mind you, she was under the impression that you would not be harmed in any way. How naive." He laughed again.

Lauren Cimorelli + Y/N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now