Why? Just Why?

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Lauren and Y/N had a secret summer relationship during last summer's camp and no one knew about it. They were very close and both of them knew that they had fallen in love with the other but before either of them could confess their feelings, camp was over and Y/N was sent back to her strict boarding school.

They didn't get the chance to see each others families as they were at camp.

One day, Y/N's extremely homophobic father found out about Lauren somehow and threatened to end her life if Y/N didn't cut all ties with her.

Y/N was broken.

She couldn't communicate with Lauren when summer ended but the raven-haired girl didn't know that. She thought the taller girl was blowing her off, and it broke her heart when she never replied.

Lauren was broken.

She thought they had something special, and they did, but all Y/N was trying to do was keep Lauren safe from her dangerous family-life and if by keeping her safe meant the heartbreak of having to let her go... Y/N would choose the girl she loved's safety over anything.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

It's a couple of years later and Dani has a date with this new girl she met at college. Y/N was going to pick her up at her house at 8pm and they were going to the local drive-in.

They were both very excited for the date, especially Dani who was nervous that when Y/N met her sisters it would be too much for her. They kinda are quite overbearing and very protective of their youngest sister.

Y/N was excited since she knew that her and Lauren could never happen. Forced to rid of Lauren from her life, she found it very difficult to move on as she knew she would always love the girl.

But Lauren deserved better than what she had to offer. She deserved to truly be happy with someone who could give her everything she deserved.


I pulled up at Dani's house. It was practically a mansion, I wonder how many people live here.

I hopped out of my truck and approached her front door.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked twice on the large wooden door and took a step back.

Jeez. Why was I so nervous?

Dani's POV

"Guys guys! She's outside" I panicked rushing into Lisa's room.

"Okay relax. I'm sure the date will be fineee" Lisa said, playfully rolling her eyes at my 'overreacting'. I nodded my head and took in a deep breath to calm down.

"Do I look okay?" I asked, suddenly insecure as I stepped forward to look in the mirror

Lauren walked up beside me, placing her hands on my shoulders, "Dan look at me".

I lifted my head up and looked at my sister, "You look amazing... now go and enjoy your date" Lauren said smirking, pushing my shoulder lightly. I gave her a hug and whispered 'thank you' into her ear.

"Can you go and open the door? Tell her I'll be down in a minute" I pleaded.

Lauren's POV

I rolled my eyes.

Wow. Even when she's going on a date she gave no fucks.

I walked down the stairs and across the hallway. As I got closer to the door, I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I don't know what it was but it seemed wrong but also right at the same time.

I don't know how to explain it.

I opened the door and saw a Y/H/C-haired girl standing with her back to me.

I looked closely and I swear my heart dropped.

A million and one emotions running through my mind.

I could never forget her.


Her head whipped around, and the wide smile she once had on her face dropped into a confused frown.

"L-Lauren" She stuttered in disbelief, "There's n-no way-"

Suddenly, Dani stepped in front of me and held the door open.

Wha- I was so shocked I didn't even hear her coming.

Dani looked between us, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "She didn't give you too much of a hard time, did she?" She asked, stepping down and hugging Y/N's arm, her chin resting on her shoulder.

Y/N was too stunned to speak, not taking her eyes off of me.

"Hey you okay?" Dan asked worried, stepping in front of Y/N causing her to snap out of her haze.

Y/N visibly gulped, "Er- yeah, I mean no- no she wasn't"

"Okayyy" Dani stretched out, sending me a questioning look but thankfully she must have brushed it off as she grabbed Y/N's hand and beamed up at her.

Y/N looked down at her with soft eyes before placing a kiss on her cheek, causing a wide smile to spread out onto Dan's face as she let out a giggle.

I clenched my jaw, the small action causing a burning feeling to erupt in my chest.

The auburn-haired girl waved me goodbye before turning around and dragging them away to the parked truck.

Looking at the white truck brought back a wave of masked memories, transporting me back to last summer.

Both of us laughing whilst singing along to the radio.

Her picking me up late at night from my bunk when I had a bad day and cheering me up by getting ice cream.

Me stealing her hoodie that was thrown into the back seat after we got a little carried away.

Her holding me in her arms whilst I fell asleep on her...

I can't do this.

I was about to break down any moment.

How could she just move on so.. so easily... after everything we'd been through?

I felt pathetic.

I felt used.

Just as I was about to go back inside, Y/N looked over her shoulder, sending me a sad glance, unshed tears brimming her eyes as she looked into my glossy ones. I felt like she was trying to tell me something. Explain what all of this meant.

But I didn't want to hear her excuses.

I didn't even want to look at her right now.

I sighed and looked away, stepping inside the house and closing the door behind me.

I slumped down against the door, sobbing into my hands.

Why? Just why?

a/n: hey guys. again idk what this is but i was thinking of turning it into a story and writing about what happened when you first met during the summer and then have a time jump to a year later...? i'm not sure yet but we'll see lol.

also just wanted to say that i appreciate every person who reads this book and even the smallest signs of support mean so much to me :) so thank you sm 😊

anyways, i hope you all liked this one-shot and that you're all having an amazing day/night 💛 

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