Chapter 6

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(Sorry for the late update I have a essay handed in on Wednesday need to do 5000 words but I'm doing this instead because I'm in a depressive episode lol my life is a mess anyhow let's carry on)

Sam's pov
I sit down settling in to wait for Sarah sighing as a lay my head down on the table closing my eyes for a few minutes my mind starts wondering to my grandparents and how I basically left them by there self I sigh and pull my head from the table and when I look up I basically nearly have a stroke there standing the other side of the table is Johnny suh I blink and widen my eyes when I realise it's definitely not me seeing things I realise at that point his being speaking to me and I have zoned out.
"Excuse me" he says speaking in his American accent
After I close my gaping mouth I respond "yes?" I say it basically comes out in a Korean squeak and I close my eyes shouting at myself  in my head "you don't have to speak Korean" he says with a slight smirk and look of confusion on his face I mentally slap my face again and respond "ohh erm thanks?" I say as a question again being a idiot "so I heard you ask for a address I happen to know where it is do you need help getting there" I listened to him the whole time not blinking and mouth slight a gar then it hit me I need to act normal I'm a 20 year old collage student that is meant to be a adult and cough and straighten my back trying to act mature???? Me mature but whatever "oh erm thanks that would be helpful would you just give me a second" I say in the best polite voice I can muster "sure" he says with that smile that I have seen a hundred times in videos but this time he was smiling at me before I actually had a freak out I quick walked as fast as my tiny legs let me into the bathroom turned the hand dryer on and basically did the biggest fan girl moment you can imagine after I was done I looked in the mirror my hair a mess from me jumping around my face red and trying to stop my panting from being out of breath I smooth my hair out and my clothes I wash my hands and put my shoulder bag around me and walk out with a straight face and trying to act the most normal I can. Johnny sits in the chair that was across from me scrolling on his phone his face focused I cough when I'm next to him causing him to look up to me "ready?" He asks I nod my head quickly.
I was currently walking well practically running behind Johnny I sigh at my legs being useless every step he took seemed like ten steps to me, most people get used to my short legs speed and slow down for me but every time I meet tall people I'm used to running to catch up. I notice he looks to the side of him and then looks at me when he notices I'm not beside him he smirks at me being out of breath "what" my voice barely audible,I pant blood rushing to my face "nothing" he stated "I just should of realised you couldn't keep up"he said laughing again I noticed he had slowed down now and was walking beside me part of me was thankful "are you making fun of me sir" I state I don't know how I'm managing to speak to him like a normal person when my mind is full of fan girl panic "sir?" He says with a confused look on his face "what am I meant to call you then?" I lied thinking it would be weird if he had to help a fan so chose to play dumb, "my names Johnny if you must know" he said sarcastically shit I thought he figured me out? Like did I try and act normal for nothing! I was deep in thought so didn't notice he had stop walking and I crashed into his board back I stepped back rubbing my forehead "sorry!" I said blood rushing to my face again "it's fine" he smiled "and you are?" He asked with that hundred dollar smile "Sam" I said a look of familiarity washed over his face then he carried on "well Sam, here we are" he said pointing at the apartment it was a taller building that had wide windows where the light reflected off of them there was balconies attached to the side of the building. I smiled thinking how Sarah managed to pay for this.
He grabbed my suitcases off me one in each hand and easily hurdled them up the stairs "thank you" I said "it's fine I happen to be heading in also" I snapped my head to look at him "wait you live here as well?" I asked my panic mode being revealed he laughed "duh why else would I be going inside" he says, feel a ping in my heart when he says that but ignore it because it's ovz his never gonna like me, we go trough the door and come face to face with the lift he presses the button waiting for it "so" he asks again looking straight ahead "what brought you to Korea" he says I was currently looking up at him and noticed how he looked even more beautiful in real life I shake my head to empty the thoughts out of them "oh just university I study literature" i say I notice him clench his jaw and look at me again his face full of confusion "what" I ask feeling myself blush again under his stare he opens his mouth but the lift dings signalling the lift is here.

Johnnys pov
I walk into the lift with her bags "what floor"I ask using my best smile I can muster she walks in with her hands rubbing together trying to stay warm "12" she says leaning against the back of the lift I go to join her after pressing the number "wait your the same floor as me" she says practically shouting I laugh again I had figured out she was a fan from the moment I walked up to her and she didn't answer me for about 5 minutes you get used to the reaction when your famous but hers was different and way funnier as she tried to act like she didn't know who I was part of me was annoyed at that but also decided to tease her a bit unfortunately it didn't take me long to realise it was the girl behind the fan account I spoke to i mean how many other sams out there from America come to Korea for literature I shake my head trying to act normal I notice she is in the corner red as hell i smirk and move closer so our hands are nearly touching I notice her face get even more red and I laugh at how cute that is "what" she says again for the 3rd time "nothing so wouldn't your boyfriend be mad at you following some ramdon guy home" I say sneaky looking at her reaction she smirks "yeah right would help if I had a boyfriend and your not random" she says she freezes when she realises what she said however it's my turn to blush then I move away a bit and cover my face and cough trying to hide my redness and I felt if I was still that close I would grab her hand "I mean-" she stutters "y-your my neighbour right not random" she says nodding her head and looking down I sigh still annoyed she's hiding the fact she knows me I smirk fine if this is the game she wants to play it's fine on me. I think the lift beeps making both of us jump not realising at one point we both started staring at each other, I go to grab one of her bags and I put my hand on hers "allow me" I say making sure to use my best features that I have been taught how to I grab the suitcase handle and walk towards my door I notice she takes a while to come out the lift and then she quickly enters the floor red as a tomato "so what number" I ask cockily again she walks past me hurriedly "203" she says it's my turn to freeze this time man this girl is good at uno I thought to myself "that's right next door to me you know" I say with a smirk waiting for her reaction "what!" She shouts dropping her keys I catch them before they drop "careful"I say deciding to tease her more I wink before opening my door and leaving her alone in her panic state. I put my back to the door waiting to hear her unlock her door and head inside it's a few minutes later she dose I laugh knowing she must of been frozen for a good few seconds I smile again happy I got the last word in "what you all smiles about" yuta asks while he digs into whatever snack he has "nothing" I say and go and steal one of his snacks "hey" he says "things just got interesting tho" I whisper as I walk towards my room "what you mean you idiot" I hear him say quietly as I enter my room.

(Omfg this took forever to write I know kinda plain but things should pick up soon I have ideas trust me also sorry for slow updates try and stick with me university is hard

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