Sams pov
I had just finished uploading my essay online was my last essay i had to turn in for the semester I now had to wait to see if all my hard work paid off so i could get a full scholarship for a university in Korea i originally didn't want to go but a few of my friends i talk to online convinced and said they would show me around and being as i speak Korean as my grandparents didn't know English i didn't have to worry about a language barrier i decided to apply i can always transfer back if i find it to hard. I sigh learning back at my desk chair and crack my fingers feeling stress i decided to go into my fan girl mode an log on to twitter i repost a superhuman performance
@nctea : johnny didn't have to disrespect me that hard with this performance johnny stans stay winning (performance link)
i got a few likes and retweets on my post i then decide to talk to my mutual's
did you hear about whats trending on Naver
no??? should i
theres stuff like johnny ugly johnny fat etc trending all cus he looks tried lately k-nets being fucking rude as always
i sigh and roll my eyes looking at comments people were saying on naver i felt myself getting mad "People are so fucking rude"i whisper to myself clicking back to twitter
they seem quiet easy to clear how bout we ask people to clear the searches and make a hashtag trend
sure seems pretty easy to do
i close my messages and find a cute johnny picture to post which isnt hard to do
so you guys have probably already heard about whats trending if any of you guys use Naver search things like johnny beautiful or hard working johnny to clear the search results also lets get fancams of him trending im sick of people under appreciating our talented boi he dose so much yet gets nothing in return im sick of it
i press send and see a few friends retweeting it i tweet a few more fancams and notice its getting quiet late so i turn off my laptop and jump into bed going back to shitposting on my phone and not actually sleeping like i should be.
johnnys pov
We had just finished at music bank and we was all currently in the cars going back to the dorms we haven't been getting much sleep recently as we had just finished our world tour and been promoting in Korea at the same time we was all exhausted and a few of us condition's wasn't that good from overworking we would all kill for a break right now,i hadnt slept well or should i say at all within the last two days so my face was a bit bloated i sighed learning back in the chair in my car it was yuta,taeyong,haechan me and taeil everyone else was in the car behind us yuta,taeil and haechan was alseep just leaving taeyong awake he was listening to music and on his phone i was currently looking out the window watching the cars drive past us. felt a pair of eyes on me and turned to look at taeyong i raised my eyebrows and he sighed "i hate the internet sometimes" he says turning back around "What you mean" i say he shakes his head muttering nothing confused i look at my phone to see what he meant i saw my name in the top searches along with hateful comments about my face i rolled my eyes and turned my phone off "there clearly blind" i chuckle to taeyoung he smiles at me relaxing that i wasnt upset about it however it did i was just used to being treated like this from getting hardly any lines to screentime i go on twitter to distract myself and see my fancams trending and see the tweet from that nctea account i smile and look at the replys of people agreeing with her and appericating me for once i smile and click on her account and notice how the person behind the account mentions me alot.
hi thanks for always sticking up for johnnyi hit sent on the dm and wait for her response taeyong catches my attention "its already off the searches already see they finally realised what there missing" he said turning off his phone i chuckle at him amazed at the secret i just witnessed
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ima try and update this daily apart from weekends as im on summer break rn
also sorry if any of the usernames are real im just trying to think of funny ones also this story is kinda inspired by her private life as well so yee
follow me on twitter @vixxaredicks

Hiding In Plain Sight | Johnny nct fanfic
Fiksi PenggemarSam is your usual lazy college student that sits on twitter all day and forgets to hand in essays somehow she's managed to live by herself and study enough to move to Seoul where she hopes to meet up with one of her mutuals on twitter Thing about t...