Chapter 8

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johnnys pov

it had been a few months since i saw sam last we had been busy with our comeback that was sucessful and was currently getting ready for the repackage of our album and we was all tired me the most from having to maintain my body for the concept of the last comeback i was now being able to eat normal without the mangers breathing down my neck everytime i even looked at food. i sigh getting sick of being controlled when i get distracted by my thoughts "yoo why you zoned out" haechan said deciding its time to annoy me for some reason "dont you know?" jungwoo buts in i hold my breath incase they somehow knew the reason for my absense mind "his visting his homeworld init talking to his fellow aliens" jungwoo jokes trying to be funny "thats not funny" haechan states "you know you should really stick to rocking bowl cuts" haechan mocks him causing a few members in the car to laugh "seriously you get one bad haircut and its neverending" jungwoo pouts and gose back to lying all over taeil again, we was currently on our way back to the appartment as we had a weeks rest before our repackage comeback i couldnt wait for the me time meanwhile i already knew taeyong was gonna be locked up in his room making sure everything went well making sure he knew all the dance moves like the little perfectionist he was.

finally the car pulls up and we all exit being as we live in a fairly richer area we dont have to hide our identify so much "oi" mark says coming next to me "yeah" i ask "that werid ginger women is at the door again" i laugh looking at marks scared face "why she werid" i ask as I had never seen her before and I peek over his head seeing a tall slender women dressed in office wear with insane frizzy ginger hair she was currently just standing at sams door staring at it "yeah that is werid" I whispered to him "see she was at the recycling bins the other day and she was just grabbing the air and like pretending to put stuff in the bin" Mark shuddered quietly walking to our door to get away form her, as Mark slams the door shut the red headed girl suddenly jumps and looks around when she notices me she smiles waves and then unlocks the door with her keys and shuts the door behind her "what the heck was that" I whisper under my breath slightly concerned i walk over to the door and gently knock the door I waited what felt like ages before Sam opened the door she was wearing a oversized hoodie that was more like a dress with her hair up "hi" she smiled slightly flushed

Sams pov

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