Author's Note

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Hello again,

This here will be my second entry for the 2020 Open Novella Contest—because I have absolutely no control.

Last year, I tried writing multiple entries and that didn't work out so great for me, but hopefully this time I can get better at time management and motivation. Fingers crossed...

For this story, I'm going a little darker. Fair warning: there's most likely going to be some disturbing stuff in this story. It's kind of a given, though, with the prompt I chose.

Speaking of the prompt, here it is:

(Adding space for those who don't want to be spoiled to what happens later in the story, because the prompt is kind of a giant spoiler! So, skip to the next part now if you're not up for spoilers...)

#40. It's summertime and you're swimming with your best friends in the lake near your house. You dive in but when you come up for air, you feel the chill in the air. Snow is covering the ground and your friends are floating dead next to you.

Thanks for checking out my story!

-Pearl B.

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