Chapter 5 part 2

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The story left off with some big surprises and power and secrets revealed but our story goes back to how the heroes red riot and pinky are doing
So shall we begin the game
What game and why are you doing this
Yeah what game
Well the game we will explain but why we are doing this is so we can prove ourselves to the league
The league you keep saying them what have they got to do with this
Yeah how this to prove to them if you really want to prove to them put me in this do nothing
Well we can't let you out it's part of the game right zap
Yeah rush ha
Game this game that what is this game you keep speaking of
Well we want to see if how far you love this pink girl
And how far you can stand until you fall
As zap run up to kirishima and attack
The attack does nothing but then rush comes up
Barrage rush multiple powerful punches hit KIRISHIMA sending him crashing against the unbreakable glass wall
KIRISHIMA NOOO you are cheating
We are not pinky
Well to be fair we haven't explained the game so I guess we did get a unfair advantage
Shall we explain it to them
Well it's simple really each time we land a powerful hit on your boyfriend there a bit of the floor your feet are on will break and you well have less footing to stand on like so
Clicks finger part of floor breaks
Heh heh too easy
Leave her alone your fight is with me as KIRISHIMA gets up
KIRISHIMA be careful
Don't worry it take a lot more to keep me down
If you get at practice on time then we won't be here
How the hell is this my fault I'm always on time you shouldn't of been so easier captured by them
Ha ha awww lovebirds Argus again
(Pinky) and you stay out of it
Well you two be quiet as rush punches the ground causing the ground to break apart and bit of Mina floor to fall down
Woah what the hell is this power Mina you ok
Yeah I think so just be quick and get me out of here
Don't worry I will
Good cause you have only ten minutes until your girl fall into the pit below
This isn't good but I won't fail you
Well are you confident just for that we will begin
Can you have a bit of faith in me
Wait when you be captured and put in here
As zap use thumb
Huh harden
Nice try but your thunder won't work on me while my quirk is activated
But mine will power strike
Kirshima dodges but the power wave destroyed the wall behind him
KIRISHIMA top of you
I don't think so red shotgun
Misses zap as he lands his hand on kirishima face
Ha ha
As zap use thumb again
No you don't
My thoughts exactly power strike KIRISHIMA dodges but quick is not activated and zap prepares to attack him
Fast punch
Zap uses thunder quirk so has to be thunder theme attack

100 Thunder
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH he screams in pain
Dammed it I wish that some way out of here
Well there isn't and now you come closer to death part of fall Mina is standing on falls down
Don't worry not done yet but I now know why I'm facing these two
You better or I come back to haunt you
Oh my god can't you support me just this once
Sorry just scared right now
You know zap part of feels like this is weird
Yeah I know what you mean
It feels like I gotten be sick
Yeah but it's still fun though
Tell me kid what did you figure out
Well that thunder guy is for when I I'm not using my quirk and you are for when I do so either way I feel damage
Well aren't you clever but too late punches ground
Watch out
Too late pinky
As zap use 10000 thunder
Not too bad kid but you need more practice
1000 ton twin strike
Blood comes out of KIRISHIMA as he flys back
Do you think this is cheating
There are two of you vs one
It's not cheating it was part of the game always been part of the game now such up and scream
Half of the floor falls down leaving Mina hanging
Aaaa KIRISHIMA I know I have faith in you but please hurry up
I'm trying coughs blood don't worry I'm not done yet
It will be now zap hit me
You ask for it kid
As zap use 100 thunder
Rush goes on front of it and uses the thunder from his equipment to get the thunder to his fists your fine kid
1 million force destroyer
The punch lands against KIRISHIMA even with his quirk destroying it and caused him tons of pain 
KIRISHIMA please (as pinky cry
KIRISHIMA falls to knees and slowly looks up to rush
Sorry kid but this is game over
Noooooo please
This is the end throws punch but KIRISHIMA goes to black hearing Mina screaming

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