Chapter 2

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Mr Aizawa  we got a problem
What's the problem
My baby boy be kidnapped by lov
And we have letter to prove it
Ok let me see
Kieran gives to him please
Ok here
I see this isn't good
Well what did it say
There's a lot to read ok and doesn't help I got dries as well to give me a minute
Think easerhead didn't get sleep last night and what did letter Say
Mr Aizawa please I am getting worried by the min
the letter says
Dear losers I have manage to take a few of your classmates and placed them in different places around the city in hard choices were you will have to be make in time in order to save them but will you make the right choice or the selfish one
Love Toga
Ps if you tell anyone or get more help I will know and kill them all on site
That dammed suck vampire I will get her "as I walk out I stop by Aizawa scar
Aizawa stops you and say
wait there more
It's in rhyme

If you wish to save them all then you have to choose
Between doing this game or give me uraruka and deku

And it has a number that only can be called if we choose to give them away
That's what the note says that's it
She must be serious to do this but not alone
What do you mean not alone
I mean she couldn't of got them and set this game up by herself she must of had some help
Her need help straight after I done with her if I saw one hair out of places
So what can we do
From this letter it means we can't tell or trust anyone else we have to handle this by ourself does anyone else know about this
Just me and Kieran and you
Ok well I guess it's up to us three to save everyone then so it's up to us to save  them
will you two accept this
Without the dodge
I will as well
Ok then let's go then heroes
But where to
Flash forward in car
Ok the first place to go to is the USJ centre were we first met the LOV
We get to the front entrance
Vicky do you smell anyone here
Kieran do not you hear any breathing
"Sniffs sniff
Hold on I smell something
And I can hear something
What is it
It smell like Denki
And I can hear tsuyu
Ok me and Vicky will take front entrance Kieran fly up to the roof and use the hidden entrance the more ground we can cover the better
Got it
And remember they maybe your friends but we have to be calm and rational about this otherwise we can't save everyone ok
Fine just come on
Ran to the front entrance
Vicky enters door and sets trap off
Dammed it
A flash bang goes off and causes a loud flash and noise
My eyes I will kill who put that there
Damn it told you too wait
Damn that flash bang has messed with her senses since she's part wolf
Don't worry about me erecthead
Damn Vicky keep it together or...........
Lights starts to come on
We sunddely see denki in a cage with some weird machines and see tsuyu hanging over a pool with electronics in it
There they are
Kieran flys to tsuyu but then shot down and crashes into ground
Vicky runs to Kieran to see if he is ok
Kieran slowly gets up while in pain
Kieran omg
I'm ok I'm ok but damn did that hurt
Suddenly a video comes on showing toga why hello there
Dammed you toga come here and fight me girl to girl or are you too afraid of bad bad wolf
Well I guessing you can tell but this is a recording you don't get to talk to me face to face until the final challenge but speaking of chanllenges welcome to the first one haha (in a happy voice)
Dammed it
Well are you going to tell us
As you can see I have our friend tsuyu and your dumb friend denki in two different traps denki one has two electro absorbers that will drain his electricity until he is brain dead and that electricity from that brain dead idiot will be powering the conductors in the pool under tsuyu until she becomes a French meal hehehehe
That horrible
Oh and you to make it harder I places titanium bars for denki cage so you couldn't break through easily and a bomb to denotate if his quirk happens to stop and if it actually happen which would be funny auto turrets aimed for anything or anyone coming towards tsuyu
Aizawa guess that means I can't use my quirk then
And if I were to fly up there I would get shot again and I don't think I would survive this time
Aizawa (as I look at him
If I were to use it on denki the bomb would kill him and I got no reason to use it on tsuyu I would mostly likely kill her then help
toga message
But you can save one above you is a key that can stop the torrents to save froppy or unlock the cage denki is in but choose wisely cause once you use the key to save a life the over one goes bye bye
Isn't that exciting
No it not I could use my earth quirk to crash the cave then one of you save frog girl
The cage is made out of titanium the strongest metal in the world trying to crash it won't work and we can't stop denki unless we are in the cage to pull him out to save him from the bomb
And I can't fly up there to help tsuyu with those turrents on
And since tsuyu can't use her frog abilities it's gonna be hard to save her
How far apart the cage bar
Small as a hand
Well everyone you have five minutes let's begin countdown start
Ok well I am fast too fast for turrents so I save tsuyu
No you better off saving denki I can only get tsuyu since she's in the air and besides Transfrom into half dragon I want a little pay back and flys off
Aizawa Don't argue we don't have time for this do you think you can break the cage in your wolf form
I agree with Aizawa Kieran but yes I think so
Ok try that's I will see if I can help Kieran with those turrents good luck

(As I turn in my wolf from
Denki looks at Vicky in pain and tries to say to her run
Sorry denki what did you say
Save your self screaming in pain
No I never ban my friends
Kieran is dodging bullents as flying up to tsuyu but is getting little overwhelmed
Damn it those turrents need to go
Hold on denki I nearly there
Kieran flys to turrents Special move dragon breath but it has no effect
Mr Aizawa hurry
I know aizawa says and gets to turrents but can't seem to shut them down
Kieran flys away but wing gets hit and causes him little pain
There the door is open OH NO KIERAN
Cage door unlocked activating secondary doors then door slams down blocking entrance to denki
Dammed it I hate this game
Raising draining power denki screams in agony
Hold on I am coming
1 minute remaining
Damn it we are losing time
Mr Aizawa I sorry but I have to use my other from
You can't it will take too long
Damn it there must be a another way then tsuyu points her eyes down to the ground
What are you doing I don't understand what you mean then she looks at the ground
I get it Vicky the ground in the cage is it covered in metal

Kieran haven't got time for science
Not science is their any metal in the ground or not
Well yes of cou- oh of course that it brilliant
You do that I got and idea to save tsuyu
Ok (turn back to human
Spiecal move dragon fist destroys turrents
(Open earth) told you I be there denki now let see to get the bomb off you
Mr Aizawa help me to get it off
I'm on it
20 seconds left
Destroying more turrents ok that's all of them
Hurry we only got 20 second
On it flying to tsuyu but not at full speed cause of wing
10 seconds left
Come on come on which wirte
Mr aizawa I got it let's go
Hold on about denki
I got him out let's go now
Bye bye

You dame girl we won
But tsuyu falling
Tsuyu noooo
Just before she about to enter water she is seen floating in the air and everyone sees that Kieran is using his other quirk to save her
Thank the god
Kieran flys over with tsuyu and then falls on the ground looking tired
Well done Kieran
Thanks you too but if you can find a oxygen tank I would appreciate it
Lol come on there air outside
Not yet let's get denki a battery and untie tsuyu aizawa can you get a ambulance as well please
Oh yeah btw what happens how did all 1a get kidnapped

30 hour later
Half hour later the announcer means
I see so you both don't know how you got here
What do you mean
They can't remember how they got here must of been knocked out and woke up here
Ok that help do they know everyone is
No they don't but I've been reading over toga message and something been bothering me
What is it
Well for one she said a few classmates but never says which students except for todoroki and I guess we can rule out deku and ururaka cause she wants them so it could be any of them since it's summer as well
Ok and second
And the second is the location why let us know where the task is why not make use find it and kill them if we fall it would have more of a impact on us  
Yeah that is strange
It makes no sense then kirishima comes running in
Kirishima what wrong
Guys you have to help it Mina she's gone
Well at less who next
Kirsihma looks down with pain and despair
Probably wasn't the best thing to say
Oh kirishima I am so sorry I didn't mean that way and don't worry we will save her
That's ok but Well there's anything I need to two you
Well do you want to come with us
I have at least that's what this letter says
Vicky and Kieran say Say what
After one task completed another appears what task is it this time,well the heroes be able to find Mina and what is toga after find out next time on fan hero academia

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